This thread is like a car that will not start, it is not going to get going until someone puts some petrol in it, so here goes.
The two main problems with a GTG are date and venue, you will never get everyone to agree, that’s like a Bride asking all her intended guests what date and venue would suit them for her wedding day.
I suggest two days, Saturday/Sunday 20/21 October, simply because its about 4 weeks away. Monaghan, as a venue is about 2 hours drive from anywhere north of Dublin, This hotel has plenty of parking, food, drink, entertainment, and sleeping accommodation for anyone who might be drinking (might be drinking, that’s a laugh!) The weather will be dry, sunny and warm, (if I am wrong about the weather I will buy everyone a drink.)
I have no connection with this venue other than that I use it occasionally when passing through Monaghan. I know nothing of other establishments in the vicinity as I don’t know the area well enough.
There is a need for a Deadline so we all know where we stand, I am suggesting Saturday 13 October 2007. Please bear in mind this is only a proposal and is open to adjustment, regard this as a dummy run for now, however if enough people agree, then it should go-ahead.
Ireland GTG 2007
Venue: Four Seasons Hotel, Monaghan Town.
Date: Saturday and Sunday 20 and 21 October 2007 possibly finishing on…? (This is Ireland, could go on for days)
Time: 12 noon.
Agenda as follows:
Have a laugh, eat, drink, and discuss common interest.
Star Diagnostics, if someone? with this equipment came along and did diagnostics at a reasonable charge for those who want it.
Other suggestions?
Other suggestions?
Other suggestions?
1. Will be there: Dec + 0…I can do Saturday and Sunday.
2. Will be there:
3. Will be there:
4. Will be there:
5. Will be there:
6. Will be there:
7. Will be there:
8. Will be there:
9. Will be there:
10. Will be there:
11. Will be there:
12. Will be there:
13. Will be there:
14. Will be there:
15. Will be there:…if we can fill this list down to about here, then it should go-ahead.
16. Will be there:
17. Will be there:
18. Will be there:
19. Will be there:
20. Will be there:
Only put your name forward if you are fairly sure about coming. If you are not sure, wait until the deadline.
To add your name, copy the above list, paste into the reply box, type your name on the next line and post as a reply.
Deadline: Saturday 13 October 2007