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Ireland users - headcount?


Never happened, needs resurrected.


Okay how about October need a location I think that Moria may be be the most central.

Hi all

haven't seen this thread before. So just signing in.
Probably wont be able to get to any meet for a few years.
being waiting 16 years for a baby, he arrived 6 months back to everyones surprise, especially ours. good idea to set up a meet though. there are more members in Ireland than currently listed on this thread though.
here in Dingle, Co. Kerry I have the feeling there is a breeding ground for Mercs.
I suppose not very many Forum Members?

Would be a nice meeting point, not only for the Irish branch!
I have always wanted to go to Ireland, and would go if there is a meet, Maybe I can get some members from the other forum to join in.
Okay how about October need a location I think that Moria may be be the most central.


I will try this again as there was no further movement towards a gtg.


Come on locals lets see if we can get a Sunday afternoon GTG anywhere from Drogheda to Belfast to Coleraine would suit me.

Based in Belfast

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We could do a Sunday gtg in or around Lisburn no prob if we get 6 or more together i think we should go for it. (i could always bring the 5 kids that would make 6 LOL:D :D :D )

A meet would be great. As interest has been expressed by our friends in the RoI, Drogheda would appear a suitable halfway place. Does anyone know the name of the hotel (first left past McCabes Black Bull ? pub/restaurant) on south side of Drogheda - left hand side heading to Dublin? It would be a good venue-plenty of parking.
This thread is like a car that will not start, it is not going to get going until someone puts some petrol in it, so here goes.
The two main problems with a GTG are date and venue, you will never get everyone to agree, that’s like a Bride asking all her intended guests what date and venue would suit them for her wedding day.

I suggest two days, Saturday/Sunday 20/21 October, simply because its about 4 weeks away. Monaghan, as a venue is about 2 hours drive from anywhere north of Dublin, This hotel has plenty of parking, food, drink, entertainment, and sleeping accommodation for anyone who might be drinking (might be drinking, that’s a laugh!) The weather will be dry, sunny and warm, (if I am wrong about the weather I will buy everyone a drink.)

I have no connection with this venue other than that I use it occasionally when passing through Monaghan. I know nothing of other establishments in the vicinity as I don’t know the area well enough.

There is a need for a Deadline so we all know where we stand, I am suggesting Saturday 13 October 2007. Please bear in mind this is only a proposal and is open to adjustment, regard this as a dummy run for now, however if enough people agree, then it should go-ahead.
Ireland GTG 2007
Venue: Four Seasons Hotel, Monaghan Town.
Date: Saturday and Sunday 20 and 21 October 2007 possibly finishing on…? (This is Ireland, could go on for days)
Time: 12 noon.
HOTEL http://www.4seasonshotel.ie/v2/monaghan/
Map http://www.tipp.ie/map_big.jpg
Activities http://www.4seasonshotel.ie/v2/downloads/ActivityPackages2007_Monaghan.pdf

Agenda as follows:
 Have a laugh, eat, drink, and discuss common interest.
 Star Diagnostics, if someone? with this equipment came along and did diagnostics at a reasonable charge for those who want it.
 Other suggestions?
 Other suggestions?
 Other suggestions?

1. Will be there: Dec + 0…I can do Saturday and Sunday.
2. Will be there:
3. Will be there:
4. Will be there:
5. Will be there:
6. Will be there:
7. Will be there:
8. Will be there:
9. Will be there:
10. Will be there:
11. Will be there:
12. Will be there:
13. Will be there:
14. Will be there:
15. Will be there:…if we can fill this list down to about here, then it should go-ahead.
16. Will be there:
17. Will be there:
18. Will be there:
19. Will be there:
20. Will be there:

 Only put your name forward if you are fairly sure about coming. If you are not sure, wait until the deadline.
 To add your name, copy the above list, paste into the reply box, type your name on the next line and post as a reply.
 Deadline: Saturday 13 October 2007

Agenda as follows:
 Have a laugh, eat, drink, and discuss common interest.
 Star Diagnostics, if someone? with this equipment came along and did diagnostics at a reasonable charge for those who want it.
 Other suggestions?
 Other suggestions?
 Other suggestions?

1. Will be there: Dec + 0…I can do Saturday and Sunday.
2. Will be there: 230K Either day
3. Will be there:
4. Will be there:
5. Will be there:
6. Will be there:
7. Will be there:
8. Will be there:
9. Will be there:
10. Will be there:
11. Will be there:
12. Will be there:
13. Will be there:
14. Will be there:
15. Will be there:…if we can fill this list down to about here, then it should go-ahead.
16. Will be there:
17. Will be there:
18. Will be there:
19. Will be there:
20. Will be there:

 Only put your name forward if you are fairly sure about coming. If you are not sure, wait until the deadline.
 To add your name, copy the above list, paste into the reply box, type your name on the next line and post as a reply.
 Deadline: Saturday 13 October 2007
Just a reminder about this proposed GTG, we have 2 so far, any further thoughts?

Agenda as follows:
 Have a laugh, eat, drink, and discuss common interest.
 Star Diagnostics, if someone? with this equipment came along and did diagnostics at a reasonable charge for those who want it.
 Other suggestions?
 Other suggestions?
 Other suggestions?

1. Will be there:
2. Will be there: 230K Either day
3. Will be there:
4. Will be there:
5. Will be there:
6. Will be there:
7. Will be there:
8. Will be there:
9. Will be there:
10. Will be there:
11. Will be there:
12. Will be there:
13. Will be there:
14. Will be there:
15. Will be there:…if we can fill this list down to about here, then it should go-ahead.
16. Will be there:
17. Will be there:
18. Will be there:
19. Will be there:
20. Will be there:

 Only put your name forward if you are fairly sure about coming. If you are not sure, wait until the deadline.
 To add your name, copy the above list, paste into the reply box, type your name on the next line and post as a reply.
 Deadline: Saturday 13 October 2007
Sorry 230K, will have to pull out due to lack of numbers, shame there are only 2 takers, thanks for your support it has been much appreciated, maybe next time.


I've been out of the loop for a while, sorry :rolleyes:

Sold all my Merc's, but I am in the market for another one, then I will be up for a meet. :)

On the up side, I have access to Star Diagnostics equipment, so I may be able to help on that score if anyone needs it.

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