Often referred to as Despender (De-spender) by disparagers criticising how much money is spent on them and by me as the Deafener. Both are apt. And true.
For me, the Series 3 109 2 ¼ Petrol Safari was the logical conclusion to the original concept whilst the LR 90/110 should have been improved dramatically by the time it became the Defender 90/110 (1990/91?)
When LR moved to coil springs (circa 84?) for the 90/110, it's a shame they didn't embark on a project to modernise/correct engineering flaws carried over from the earliest LRs i.e. soundproofing, wider cabin, better seating, prevent water ingress, cabin ventilation, prevent chassis and bulked corrosion etc etc. It took then twenty-odd years to come up with all steel doors in answer to galvanic corrosion, for heaven's sake but never offered a properly protected chassis!
It's a shame it has gone in some ways but overall for me (sic), the Defeafener was well passed its use by date, speaking as an ex-owner.