ah ok nice one, one thing that never happens in this car but when i had my e200 saloon sitting in traffic on a hot day would rise, but nothing too dramatic. Viscous would explain that one!
i have good oil pressure currently (i think), when the oil is really warm only then would i see the needle drop slightly below or between number 3. This is when i have completley stopped and in D. obviously when i drive off the needle rises back up to 3.
Questions: when i put gear in to P the guage will rise back up to 3. Is this normal?
as the gauge only moves up and down when the oil is very warm (or peak) is this supposed to happen when warm only or when cold as well?
this one is a bit tricky to explain, on occasions, sometimes i see the oil gauge drop and rise back up quickly when approching a stop, but this only happens if ive had my foot off the pedal but then accelerate again, this would be a split second drop to arould below 3 (more than usual) and will be fine again.
in essence its like the supply of oil prssure drops or is cut momentarily. Would this be a sign of somthing?