Ok guys...
I neglected my duties at work alittle today and spent abit of time running recon on google earth.
I've found a few possible places to stop and have lunch.
1) The Red Barn, Tandridge Lane, Tandridge, Surrey, RH7 6LL
2) The Squire & Horse, Bury, West Sussex, RH20 1NS
3) The Plough Inn, East Sussex, BN7 3DF
4) The Bolney Stage, LOndon Road, Bolney Village, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 5RL
5) The Trevor Arms, The St Glynde, Lewes, East Sussex, BN8 6SS
6) The Woodman Arms, Hammerpot, Angering, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN16 4EU - where Simon arranged the South Coast Meet not long ago.. where we first met Mark... ahhh...how sweet... ! LOL
Now, I don't know these places personally (apart from the Woodman Arms) but I selected them for their location (not in built up areas) and their size and parking facilities.
If any of you know of these as being unfavourable, pipe up now.
What I suggest, is that you search these out on google earth and put a pin in them, so you can see their locations relative to our meet-up point at Clackett Lane services.
They are pretty well scattered.
Now, I have contacted these places and they say that saturday's shouldn't be a problem regarding availability for lunch, but sunday's will be busier and may need a booking to make sure we can sit down and eat.
Most, if not all of these places, have outside seating, so if the weather is nice, that is obviously an option. But weather temperature will also need to be taken into account as it may be chilling even if it's sunny.
I have grilled most of these places about their parking facilities (they must have thought I was a weirdo.. being more interested in what materials and aggregates were used to make their parking areas, rather than what food they do! LOL!!) and these places should be able to accommodate our rides well enough.
I personally like the look of the Red Barn. It is good looking, spacious, has lots of parking and is in a quiet location.
But it is only 15mins from Clackett.
So, if we choose the Red Barn, we can either go for a drive and then head there later for food, or eat there first and then go for a drive.
We could choose one of the other places that are alittle further away from Clackett, enjoy the drive getting there and eat.
I'm not sure how you guys wanted to play things.
I also don't know how much of a drive you guys wanted to do, so if you think the distances of these proposed locations are not far enough away, let me know!
We need to decide on the day (we're at the mercy of the weather with that one, I reckon), decide on the venue and then decide whether to drive first and then eat, or eat and then enjoy a drive after eating.
Little help with this guys... too many variables!!! LOL!!
P.S..... It would be great to get a good number of us together for this one guys.. so please join us if you can!!
If we end up doing this on sunday, it is likely that I will need to ring our chosen venue to let them know of numbers, so please chime in if you are intersted!
Also, if you have a preference to the venue, please say... even if it's different to the above suggested venues.