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Misunderstood Youth of Today.


MB Master
Jun 22, 2003
Perth, Scotland
Once again the youth of Britain are in the dock. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/6943553.stm An innocent car owner trying to protect his property is literally kicked to death in front of his family by these cowards. Now I know its all too easy to blame these "high spirited " youngsters for what happened . Its so obvious though that punishment isn't what required, what these youngsters need is a little understanding, a helping hand, a new challenge maybe, perhaps an all expenses paid holiday in the sun to somewhere they might feel at home. I was thinking--- DOWNTOWN BASRA??
As usual additional patrols a little too late.
The man had been complaining about the kids for about six months to the police and the council. Apparently the condition was not as bad as doing 33 in a 30mph zone so the police were not too interested, considering they could not fine the kids and make any money.
Now if the guy had screamed too loudly at the kids, they may have come out and fined him for disturbing the peace. again more cash for the forces that be.
I am afraid a lot of noise will be made for now and we would just move on to the next death and the next yobs.
Or soon people will start saying build youth centres and give them toys to play with.Rubbish.
When i was growing up i never saw any youth centres and i did not kick any ones car as i was more scared of my dad than the police.
But now the nanny state know how to take of your kids better than you so expect a visit from the social services if you try to instill any form of discipline in your childrens lives.

As they are now now giving kids free trips to the alps and playstations for behaving badly why should any kid behave well?

The justice system? a complete joke.
If any of those kids is found guilty ,they are made up for life. New school ,free toys, free holidays ,e.t.c
.The man's kids are well finished for life.

When these starts happening to politicians kids and parents maybe we might see a change in attitudes
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:crazy: Now they want to speak to people who may have witnessed the incident.
Would it not be a good idea to be able to sue the police if they do not provide a duty to protect and to prove why they cannot provide that duty since drivers have to prove they were not driving for the cameras
i mean where are these extra patrols from .did they suddenly employ new staff or have they always been there but not used, or have they diverted staff from oher routes ,so now some have no patrols at all?.

Maybe they need to be dealt with like this:crazy: :crazy: then the kids would start to behave.

End Of Rage and Rant
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<Rant mode on>

I believe Council Tax pays for some of the services provided by the police. Thinks I may ask for a refund. My son has just obtained a shotgun license, may just borrow it one dark night and introduce it to some of our less than salubrious areas. I am still annoyed with Plod for not catching the scum who tried to break into Otto. Fingerprints, DNA and an idea who did it. Result? .................................... Get real, I am a motorist who has to fund the government by one means or another

<rant mode off>
very sad i used to work with garry some 20 years ago ........ a lovely man and back then a part time DJ .... I remember when his first child was born ..... he would and did help anyone a terrible loss.....the comments above a spot on and I would respectfully ask further posters not to condemn him for his actions as i feel its what most of us would have done in the same instance and they will not change anything .... Mark
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...I would respectfully ask further posters not to condemn him for his actions as i feel its what most of us would have done in the same instance and they will not change anything .... Mark

I doubt many people on here would condemn the actions of a stand up citizen Mark. I would certainly have done the same given the situation. It's just a shame that the laws (and the judges) in this land do so little to defend hard working, genuine family people, and focus so much on making excuses for the scum that infest our towns and cities these days. Very sad indeed. :mad:
I think it is unfair to suggest that it is "the youth of Britain" that is on trial.

It is nothing of the sort - thats the prejudice of some taking over and it stinks.

The people who committed this act don't bring down the standards of their generation any more than a criminal on this forum taints the rest.

With the risk sound very right wing and bigoted:

Why there are no harsher penalties? I am a teacher once a pupil told me that he preferred to be a criminal as working is for losers, and the deterrent of going to prison was nothing as it had playstation and sky.

Why do not bring back forced labour for convicted criminals? If there aren't enough prisons why don't they get chain ganged and build it first and then can go and have a free roof, food and amenities.
Prison should be daunting to the point that the only thought of a cell will make them shiver. Getting 15 hours community service for being a man to death is pathetic
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Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime. Police numbers are up and crime is down. Violent crime is mainly all in the minds of the general public and our streets are safer today than they were twenty years ago.

I always vote for the Monster Raving Loony Party simply because they all know they are bonkers.

My thoughts go out to the family of this poor soul, but I fear he will not be the last.

I think it is unfair to suggest that it is "the youth of Britain" that is on trial.

It is nothing of the sort - thats the prejudice of some taking over and it stinks.

The people who committed this act don't bring down the standards of their generation any more than a criminal on this forum taints the rest.


I am impressed by what this man did and appalled at the result but the knee jerk reaction of condeming all youth is sheer uninformed prejudice.
I am continually impressed by the ideas, behaviour and performance of the great majority of kids today. We should not let a few blight our idea and support of the majority of kids.
We should not let a few blight our idea and support of the majority of kids.
I would like to believe the great majority of our youth are well behaved, but walk through our town or city centres any evening of the week and you will be appalled at what takes place.

Some folks believe this is mainly a one parent family type issue, but to that I say cobblers. We ALL must take responsibility for the decline in acceptable behaviour. Our children now tend to show very little respect for any type of authority, acceptable standards of behaviour or moral values.

Chucking children into a nursery is great to get them out from under the feet of parents, or to 'teach them how o interact', but if you actually study what goes on, then you will see very young children taking the toys from a playmate, grabbing anything they see or doing exactly what they want. This then forms the foundations of acceptable behaviour. Do children now learn in silence, stand up when a teacher or adult enters a room? Do they hold open a door to allow an adult to enter or leave a room? Do young boys learn to respect young girls, or to offer there seat on public transport if an elderly person is standing? Do they offer to carry shopping? Do men walk on the outside of the footpath when walking with a lady?

I fully accept these are the ramblings of a fuddy duddy old fashioned pain in the back-side, but I strongly believe in respecting my fellow man\person. :o Children are the greatest treasure we will ever have, but it is down to us to nurture, educate and shape them into decent members of society. It is us that has failed and not the thugs we are discussing, they have been allowed to get away with this type of behaviour. Read other posts where we plot and scheme about getting away with an offence. What example does this set to our children? We all deplore this type of behaviour, but how many of us allow our children to stagger home at anytime of the night, drunk, or under the influence of drugs and then fester in bed the next day?

This country has a problem and don't forget a previous prime minister had his drunken, unconscious fourteen year old son scooped up off the streets of Soho and detained in a Police cell, no punishment, no enquiry into how a fourteen year old could be allowed to get in this state, it was simply. "Boys will be boys!"

What a rant and what a waste of hot air as nothing will change, oh and lets give our fourteen year old girls the morning after pill instead of teaching them moral values.

John the righteous
My 2p......

I think the problem we have is that kids these days know too much and know just how to get away with pretty much anything. Personally I think it comes down to a family influence, in my younger days I was petrified of my old man (if I'd been an eegit and done something wrong that is) because I knew I'd get battered and then taken to the old bill! Half of these jokers dont know who their father is so they have no authority figure in the home when they are growing up. I think the government should realise that FAMILY and FEAR are quality deterrants and if families and the police had the ability to put FEAR into these scum bags the streets would be a hell of a lot safer.
Yes the family has a role to play but ultimately the justice system which is supposed to protect the citizens of this country is not doing its job,
Why should a hardworking man pay with his life because some other family refused to bring up their children properly.
The kids know that nothing will happen to them so they do not care.
I am not saying every kid, i am talking of the bad ones.
how many people here would shoplift in saudi arabia when you know you could get your hands chopped off?
I am certainly not advocating capital punishment or sharia law, but rewards for bad behaviour is totally unaccetable.
My nephew has just told me to stop telling him that crime does not pay, because he has not done a thing wrong in his life, but he is fuming because three bullies in his school have just gone to the alps on free reward trips paid for by you and me when his own parents can not even afford to take him to the lake district. reason: they were good in the last month. What about those being good for the last 10yrs
he is now seriously considering shedding his good by image fast.
Like i said families hands are tied with nanny state social services while the real danger to children, e,g paedos and child molesters ae being let out early.
No space in jail they say. Always space to lock up drivers who do not pay fines ,or 73 yrs olds not paying council taxes.
Bottom line is they are not bothered as it can not make them any money and it is not thier kid or parents affected.

I am sure if there is suddenly a spate of shootings and stabbings in westminster/chelsea. it will be sorted out in hours. but when it is in moss side/ barking or warington/ toxteth, good luck to you.
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Behaviour is learned. No doubt. Parents have reponsibilities. If they are shirked then I believe that that person has no right to be a parent and abuse a child in its growing period.

How much is about some of our societies desire to grow children into adults really quickly? Put on them all of the latest techno gubbins and must have toy, and of course getting something for nothing with no expectation of work. All because of the want to provide the best.

The mob that murdered this man, causing devestation to his family, will I hope provide a focus on what is not right with the way behaviour is allowed to develop.

One thing to have groups of youngsters - quite another to have them terrorising neighbourhoods. And that part of behaviour should be encouraged out.

I have been involved with a school where a parent of a violent obnoxious 9 year old thug having been told off for beating another child turns up and beats the teacher!

With that as an example, no wonder the child has grown up to meet his destiny.
Lost generation

While appreciating that not all kids are bad as you say and perhaps the majority have indeed been brought up to be good citizens of the future:) :) I have to say that what I find worrying about this incident is the following.
Three "youths" have been charged with this man's murder and will face the full force of the law for their actions in due course. What I find even more disturbing than their random act of brutality, is that the remaining 12 individuals of the gang of 15---- DID NOTHING TO STOP IT :crazy: :crazy: ---- What does that say about the values they have received from parents,school, the media and society in general on their way to this sorry tragedy. :confused: Its my belief that the malign influences and enormous moral vacuum that todays youth exists in effects even the good kids adversely and they are rapidly becoming a "lost generation" Believe me when I say it gives me no pleasure to say that. :(
I keep contemplating taking on a apprentice.

There are a couple of reasons why I decided not to.

1. (generally) 16 year old kids of today have little respect for authority and are lippy, disrespectful, and not hard working.

2. I am worried about them stealing my tools etc.
I have been involved with a school where a parent of a violent obnoxious 9 year old thug having been told off for beating another child turns up and beats the teacher!

With that as an example, no wonder the child has grown up to meet his destiny.

And what happened to the parent?
i bet he would not have beaten the teacher if the teacher was lennox lewis.
A boy in a huyton school was given three warnings three times 12yrs old ,for pinching his teachers bum 24yr old teacher.
They obviously thought he did not hear the first two
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An appalling situation.

I am not that much older than these yobs (the wrong side of a decade from the youngest one) but even as a mid twenties (its still mid when its just over the middle you know), home-owning, car-owning, employed, good money earning, sensible, no criminal record (exc. 1 sp30!) young man I am still scared to death of my dad's dissproval.

surely we should be emploring the parents to instill this sense of judiciary into these children? There morals are probably not that different to ours, it is just they have no reason to fear breaking them. I used to find a clipboard accross the knuckles at my boarding schoolsuitable punishment for misbehaving.

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