We should not let a few blight our idea and support of the majority of kids.
I would like to believe the great majority of our youth are well behaved, but walk through our town or city centres any evening of the week and you will be appalled at what takes place.
Some folks believe this is mainly a one parent family type issue, but to that I say cobblers. We ALL must take responsibility for the decline in acceptable behaviour. Our children now tend to show very little respect for any type of authority, acceptable standards of behaviour or moral values.
Chucking children into a nursery is great to get them out from under the feet of parents, or to 'teach them how o interact', but if you actually study what goes on, then you will see very young children taking the toys from a playmate, grabbing anything they see or doing exactly what they want. This then forms the foundations of acceptable behaviour. Do children now learn in silence, stand up when a teacher or adult enters a room? Do they hold open a door to allow an adult to enter or leave a room? Do young boys learn to respect young girls, or to offer there seat on public transport if an elderly person is standing? Do they offer to carry shopping? Do men walk on the outside of the footpath when walking with a lady?
I fully accept these are the ramblings of a fuddy duddy old fashioned pain in the back-side, but I strongly believe in respecting my fellow man\person.

Children are the greatest treasure we will ever have, but it is down to us to nurture, educate and shape them into decent members of society. It is us that has failed and not the thugs we are discussing, they have been allowed to get away with this type of behaviour. Read other posts where we plot and scheme about getting away with an offence. What example does this set to our children? We all deplore this type of behaviour, but how many of us allow our children to stagger home at anytime of the night, drunk, or under the influence of drugs and then fester in bed the next day?
This country has a problem and don't forget a previous prime minister had his drunken, unconscious fourteen year old son scooped up off the streets of Soho and detained in a Police cell, no punishment, no enquiry into how a fourteen year old could be allowed to get in this state, it was simply. "Boys will be boys!"
What a rant and what a waste of hot air as nothing will change, oh and lets give our fourteen year old girls the morning after pill instead of teaching them moral values.
John the righteous