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Misunderstood Youth of Today.

right talk pammy, but a man has just been cautioned by the police for dragging his 13yr old daughter,(not hitting) from a pub corner at 11:00pm

And what is a 13 year old girl doing on a pub corner at 11.00 at night? Sorry, but he should have known that she was not at home which at that time if night she should have been.

My kids never ever roamed the streets at night. They had far too much to do either at home or at friends houses etc. And yes, I always knew where Meg's was. It's diff with Josh, but Megs always came home when she should. Neither she nor her friends were interested in roaming the streets. They much preferred home comforts:D
And what is a 13 year old girl doing on a pub corner at 11.00 at night? Sorry, but he should have known that she was not at home which at that time if night she should have been.

mine is at home in bed at that time which is where she is suppossed to be:D
Well if everyones kid is in bed at night, then whose kids are running around causing all the trouble.
All i am saying is there are different kids in various circumstances and some are stubborn others are obedient.
THis family have four children and all the others are well behaved.
The point i am making is that the parents feel they are very limited in enforcing discipline.
And the law is not on thier side.
I think we are all missing the main point of this issue.

In my personal opinion the character, behaviour of todays teenagers is formed during there very young childhood. It is down to us to teach our babies, young children right from wrong and influence their upbringing. Ignore those first years and stand-by, educate these children in the ways of life and acceptable behaviour and they will hopefully grow-up into responsible members of society? Teach them right from wrong, teach them to respect their fellow human being and when this foundation is ingrained it should remain with them for the rest of their lives. Of course it is only a minority that really goes off the rails, but it is a significant minority.

Finally swearing!
How many parents either swear in the presence of their offspring or don't admonish their children if they swear? Standards, it is all about what we as individuals deem acceptable.


Yes John you are right .. most of the problems are in inner city areas where there is no family structure. Children are born into a single parent families.There is no father from the start, the kids dont even know who their father is so the dynamics are automatically flawed. Young mums are usually unhappy and depressed with no money and no social life.There is no father even to give them a break at weekends...( Christ imagine that...kids 24 / 7 ..I dont reckon anyone on here could do that ) The money they do get maybe spent on alcohol or dugs in an attempt to relieve the dark days. Some live in flats with no garden so the kids are in the flat all day... The schools in the inner city areas are usually poor. The primary schools usually employ 95% female teachers so again there is no male input .There is the debate that poor schools only attract poor teachers as the good teachers dont tend to work in inner city areas so its a catch 22 situation. Bullying is rife in these schools, so pupils tend to stay away. It is the minority of pupils who truant that turn to crime and walk the streets.
There is no ideal solution. Knowone yet has come up with a solution. Even with regards truancy. Truancy has been a problem since the late 1800,s when education first came compulsery and the government still cant resolve the issue.
Depressing reading......anyone got any realistic ideas on how to solve it ..........:( :confused: ..I am sure it has the potential of making someone a lot of money !!!!!!!!!!!!
well we could start by stopping payments and flats to any stupid teenager who has kids just to make some money.
If you cannot take care of the kid, the kid should be put in care.
They will soon learn that getting pregnant does not guarantee you dole money for life.
The dole money an then be used to raise the kid in care instead of being spent on ciggies, drugs and lottery
I am sure it has the potential of making someone a lot of money !!!!!!!!!!!!
Our society has changed and I personally believe we are loosing or have lost the will to WANT to have a decent society. There has always been single parent families but what was once deemed morally wrong and unacceptable is now the norm and woe betide anyone that dares criticise. Woe betide anyone that has moral values and does not want to sleep around. Did you know it is against the law to have under age sex? Young girls are under tremendous pressure to be promiscuous, schools give out the morning after pill and some even offer contraception. I would much prefer a moral stand and TRY to inform these children about what is acceptable. I am in the minority when I object to this behaviour and folks say it is better to educate our children. To this I simply say yes, it is better to educate, to teach right from wrong, to teach children to show respect to each other and there fellow human being. Look at all the pressure young girls are under, soaps, magazines, computer forums. Why oh why don't we teach our children respect, respect in every sense and to condemn under age sex, condemn loose morals. Encourage respect, encourage decent behaviour. I am unfortunately very old fashioned and feel we should be teaching our youth right from wrong instead of blaming the government for all our moral failings.

Needless to say this wasn't a popular decision by the school. It should not be neccessary to bribe kids to attend and for those that normally did attend it felt like punishment.

There is a new government initiative for kids to get 100 squids if they stay on in school after their GCSEs..... :crazy:

Anyways back to the topic, me personally would like to see the kids that did it, carry a sandwich board around with them in Warrington saying, "I kicked a man to death!" written on it. Forget this prison term, lets see how long they last with that symbol hanging from them.
I agree with the members in the forum about the need of the father figure. There is cases where mothers have brought kids on their own due to the father passing away but that is another matter but a kid that never knew their father because of a drunken session of her mother will not be very morally minded.

When I was young I dreaded if I didn't something naughty (which meant swearing and an adult heard me) and my father found out. A slap from my father and a twist of the ear didn't turn me into a maniac homicidal rapist like all the shrinks seem to agree on. It made respectful, know boundaries and know what is right and what is wrong.

"I am calling to tell dad" is the strongest threat a mother can throw at her child.
I'm embarrassed to chunter on like this as I am fully aware of the fact that marriages do fail and generally it will be down to one parent to raise the children. Respect goes to ALL single parents that accomplish this unenviable task and the end product of their huge sacrifices will speak volumes about the high standards the single parent has acheived.

Our society has changed and I personally believe we are loosing or have lost the will to WANT to have a decent society. There has always been single parent families but what was once deemed morally wrong and unacceptable is now the norm and woe betide anyone that dares criticise. Woe betide anyone that has moral values and does not want to sleep around. Did you know it is against the law to have under age sex? Young girls are under tremendous pressure to be promiscuous, schools give out the morning after pill and some even offer contraception. I would much prefer a moral stand and TRY to inform these children about what is acceptable. I am in the minority when I object to this behaviour and folks say it is better to educate our children. To this I simply say yes, it is better to educate, to teach right from wrong, to teach children to show respect to each other and there fellow human being. Look at all the pressure young girls are under, soaps, magazines, computer forums. Why oh why don't we teach our children respect, respect in every sense and to condemn under age sex, condemn loose morals. Encourage respect, encourage decent behaviour. I am unfortunately very old fashioned and feel we should be teaching our youth right from wrong instead of blaming the government for all our moral failings.


Couldn't agree more John, but then I suspect I too am old fashioned. Hopefully we managed to instill all these things in our offspring, evidence so far seems to indicate so. I was very proud when my son many years ago at age 9 stood up in a crowded bus to offer his seat to someone older with no prompting whatsover. However I do feel the government has to take some of the blame, there is too much social engineering going on which has had a bad effect. Removing the married couple's tax allowance was a bad start. Completely altering the work methods of the police was another, the amount of time they spend on paperwork is ludicrous (and I'm not even starting on speeding............:D ). Taking away people's control of their own lives (and here I agree with the Tories) tends to makes things worse as people just don't seem to care any more.

Bring back the birch I say. But in a kindly way............;)
I'm embarrassed to chunter on like this as I am fully aware of the fact that marriages do fail and generally it will be down to one parent to raise the children. Respect goes to ALL single parents that accomplish this unenviable task and the end product of their huge sacrifices will speak volumes about the high standards the single parent has acheived.


Yes, I read an editorial in the Daily Mail (I know, I know :rolleyes: ) a while back from Peter Hitchens basically stating that any children from a broken home would automatically become feckless morons who would never amount to anything, etc.

The article was no more polite than I have written! I sent a letter in, never published, pointing out that his views were grossly offensive to the thousands of people from "broken homes" like myself who have not turned to crime or moral turpitude :crazy: despite our "Disability".

Well, he might have a point on the morals bit :devil: but I would like to think I've done alright so far.
Yes, I read an editorial in the Daily Mail (I know, I know :rolleyes: ) a while back from Peter Hitchens basically stating that any children from a broken home would automatically become feckless morons who would never amount to anything, etc.

The article was no more polite than I have written! I sent a letter in, never published, pointing out that his views were grossly offensive to the thousands of people from "broken homes" like myself who have not turned to crime or moral turpitude :crazy: despite our "Disability".

Well, he might have a point on the morals bit :devil: but I would like to think I've done alright so far.
It is so easy to generalise and thought I had best say my peace. There must be hundreds of thousands of youngsters that only have one parent for whatever reason and they all turn into first class citizens. I feel for the single parent that has to make huge sacrifices in order to do the correct thing for their offspring. Mega respect.


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