Spot on, I dont buy all the touchy feely rubbish that gets bandied about on how to deal with the problem of youth crime and their parents. There are two ways to stop it:
Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime!
Can someone that voted for the currant government please explain what that means?
It is no good getting physical with these thugs, that simply raises the stakes and we will start seeing the gang culture that is prevalent in some other cultures, violence simply bestows more violence.
I have read about the Middle East comparison of having gold on open display in the market place. I would suggest that is purely glossing over our problems and as usual ignoring the fundamental problem. Do very young Middle Eastern children steal, swear, binge drink, or back chat their parents? I'm sorry but we are trying to blame everybody else and not take any sort of responsibility.
Our society now believes its right and proper for both parents to go out to work and farm out their offspring to a nursery, that's the way it is and how dare anyone criticise this trend. I will merely suggest we again look at the Middle East and ask whether both the parents go out to work? In this country instead of us taking responsibility when children misbehave, we fetch out a new law, if they still misbehave, then fetch out another new law. This government is obsessed with fetching out legislation, then allowing those that are caught free access to every type of counsellor ever invented, and then if these poor souls are found guilty they will appeal, and then continue to appeal until a court overturns the original verdict. Take the Ipplepen six, or the Toepuddle seven, all alleged innocent victims that have been found guilty by a jury, but subsequently had this verdict overturned by highly educated advocates that dissect every single word, every dot, every 't' that should be crossed and woe betide anyone that has made an innocent error in the preparation, or presentation. I feel we deserve the society we live in and the government we voted for.
Don't forget crime is down and police numbers are up.
Oh and since this new 24 hour licencing has been introduced here in Devon and Cornwall the most violent of crime, namely murder, attempted murder, manslaughter and wounding has gone up by one third. The good thing though is that we are assured that it is all mainly in the mind of the victim