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New Road Angel


MB Enthusiast
Jul 14, 2002
Audi A3 & S4 quattro
On the day of the Press Preview at the Motor Show, the Blackspot website has been updated with the new Road Angel.

I wonder if they will do any deals for existing customers upgrading. I hope so!
Shock .. Horror :eek:

what a surprise !!! ;)

Looks to be a heck of a lot neater and smaller too !
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I've been holding off buying one for a while now but as this one looks so smart I might take the plunge. :D
I agree with Richard, I hope they do a discount for upgrading. Somehow I doubt it will happen though.

Interestingly, has anyone paid a visit to the software download page?? USB version of RA Classic software? :eek: :cool: I hope this is what I think it is :)

No upgrade path from what I have been told.

You don't get an upgrade option when you fancy a new DVD palyer do you? Anoying, but I think we just have to start again. Even you subscription is non transferable.
I'm tempted to buy another make (Origin) on principle, that would be one reason why blackspot should offer an upgrade!

My subscription expires soon, not sure if its worth renewing.
Networx Automotive will do an upgrade deal - they offer £200 for a Road Angel against other new products so it should be worth a call to see if they will do a deal on the new road angel

networx automotive link

EDIT : just phoned NEtworx and they confirm they will take your Old Road Angel + £199 will get you a new Road Angel - basically honouring their posted trade in deal .
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Thanks Steve, I'll give that a go.

Question is though do I upgrade to the new Road Angel or to the Origin b2.

EDIT: I've ordered the new Road Angel, should be here thursday :bannana:

This came at a handy time as I was going to have to renew the subscription on the Road Angel. The new Road Angel seemed neater as the laser and gps antenna are build in, where as with the b2 they are remote.
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Looks good, much neater design. Can't help thinking that they are still one step behind the competition though, the 'New' Road Angel has new features that have been standard on the others for some time. Road Angel used to be regarded as the leader but they seem to be only just catching up now.

May just be sour grapes because of the way they have treated the buying group that I am in, we are still waiting for our rebates for the past year and more.
Had a demo of the unit yesterday from Dave Clarke whilst installed in a ferrari on their stand for the Motorshow, great improvement over the old unit, some new nicer features such as GPS signal strentgh nice bright LED warning light etc

mobilecentreuk said:
Had a demo of the unit yesterday from Dave Clarke whilst installed in a ferrari on their stand for the Motorshow, great improvement over the old unit, some new nicer features such as GPS signal strentgh nice bright LED warning light etc


How do you think it compares to the Origin b2 Tim?
RoadAngel will be taking orders but my understandings is they type of stand that they have prevents them from retailing directly
If you want a unit that is easy to transfer between vehicles then you need a RoadAngel, if you want a unit that is more of a proffesional unit then the Origin B2 is the way to go, as the OB2 is expandable to support laser jammers and radar.

A colleague has the new RA. I have had a look and am reading the manual now :D

EDIT: The "Classic" Road Angel is now USB too.
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Looking at their website, say my local Argos stocks them!
Satch said:
Looking at their website, say my local Argos stocks them!

Cool, something to buy with those Nectar points :bannana:
The most important point I was interested in about the New Road Angel was:

There is still no feature to mute cameras when you are below the speed limit. However there is a feature to mute completely when below 15mph.
It also seems to make it much easier to shut the new one up, just by pressing the menu button, where as on the old one you had to old the button down for several seconds.

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