big x said:
You need to do a double blind test before concluding these particular plugs run differently.
Smoothness at idle is probably too difficult to measure without a shedload of telemtry gear and an NVH expert, and a blind test may be more trouble than it's really worth for spark plugs IMHO.
It may simply be the placebo effect or there may be a genuine subtle difference. It might be that the difference is due to the fact that the plugs are fresh rather than the fact that they're Iridium.
It doesn't really matter though does it? Surely it's the owner's
perception of the overall experience is what counts, not whether there's a measurable difference for having fitting one plug rather than another.
My dad says "if it looks straight, it is straight". Maybe a reflection on his shoddy DIY, or perhaps he's the greatest unknown philospher of our time. But when you hang a picture, it doesn't matter whether it's perfectly level if the coving, mantle, picture rail, wall paper, or anything else is slightly out - it will still look out!! Better to have it look level even if it actually isn't.
I don't think anyone would suggest spark plugs are the route to extreme power, but whether running a highly tuned engine or car for tootling to the shops in, fresh plugs are a good idea to allow the most efficient burn possible, and optimal running of the engine.
The only experience I have with Iridiums are with a Vauxhall. Bosch OEM plugs were replaced by the dealer with Bosch OEM plugs. I really wanted there to be a difference to solve something that had been bugging me - but there was no noticeable difference at idle, and slight occasional (but irritating) misfire remained. Did about 1000 miles on them.
Same dealer replaced the new Bosch plugs with NGK Iridium and to my ears and touch the idle seemed slightly smoother, and the misfire had definitely gone away. Worth the slight premium - I think I paid £27 for 4 - easily worth it for me to have the smoother idle I longed for!!
Several other owners of the same car replaced their plugs with NGK Iridiums, and saw the same benefits at idle - misfire gone. I concluded there must be something in it, and decided the slight premium for the Iridiums was worth it, and bought a few more sets!!