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Opinions on this video?

I don't know what it is, but Scotty Kilmer gets right up my nose so I ignore everything he says.
Sophisticated modern cars have sophisticated modern electronics, and MB parts are often expensive. Mercedes are high-end cars, and with them tend to come high-end running costs. This is not news, I'm afraid, nor restricted to Mercedes; if reliability is your main criterion, you will probably be happier with something from the Far East.

What does your friend drive?
Hello, he drives a Mitsubishi, infact, I usually buy Japanese myself.

I always had the impression that Mercedes cars were well built, but the more I read about the later ones the less impressed I become. My brother has a 300ce, never had much bother with it, but I suppose they are less sophisticated.

I just don't want to be paying top wack for parts and labour when faults pop up on a regular basis.

You are correct, cant beat Japanese reliability. Ive owned two Lexus GS300 for a number of years, and without fault.

I'm thinking I need a re-think, don't like throwing money away.

Perhaps il give it a chance, see how it goes, dunno.
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Hello, recent newbie to Mercedes, a friend with a strange sense of humour sent me this vid, any opinions welcome, thanks.

I've always wondered what happened to Shaggy from Scooby Doo, and having watched some of the video, I now know!

Hello, he drives a Mitsubishi, infact, I usually buy Japanese myself.

I always had the impression that Mercedes cars were well built, but the more I read about the later ones the less impressed I become. My brother has a 300ce, never had much bother with it, but I suppose they are less sophisticated.

I just don't want to be paying top wack for parts and labour when faults pop up on a regular basis.

You are correct, cant beat Japanese reliability. Ive owned two Lexus GS300 for a number of years, and without fault.

I'm thinking I need a re-think, don't like throwing money away.

Perhaps il give it a chance, see how it goes, dunno.

If that video has put you off, then perhaps it's not the right car for you. It's not even a compelling argument and so if it's got you thinking, the first noise or problem will have you thinking that your mate and Shaggy were right all along.

In truth, Shaggy could have been talking about any modern car, even a Lexus or Mitsubishi!
I think 25 fault codes is a bit of a worry.

What started all this off was the dreaded balance shaft issue on the m272 engine, a fault I have since been told is inevitable.

Just got off to a bad start, reading about stuff, I blame the internet lol

Its a lovely looking motor, just don't want be throwing 1000,s away.

Il see.

You only ever see the problems when you're scouring the web searching for problems.

Think about it.
So let me get this right

Mercedes parts are expensive? Well duh! If you want cheap parts buy a <insert cheap ass car here>

Low profile tyres mark the rims. Well dont put them on (its actually his fault for being a twerp and not putting regular tyres on with rim protection)

Depreciation- cars depreciate!

"You have to change the pads AND the rotors" - you should do that anyway

This just sounds like the my <insert cheap ass car here> is just as good as your Merc....it is...it is....it is ...nonsense.

As for the fault codes .... the car was at least 6 years old ...if its not been maintained correctly it probably will have 25 fault codes ... also he never mentioned if anything didn't actually work, just it had a fault code.
Also, people don't tend to make posts about nothing having gone wrong.
The guy in the video is such a squeaker.
To be fair he right on a couple of points one the brake pads and secondly the number of fault codes the car can come up with.
However if the car is well look after this should never have more than a few code faults over a number of years.
We all except things like light codes coming up if a light as broken.

Many cars are over engineered in the first place but we like that it shows thought has gone into the car.
What they do not say is Mercedes often leads the way with new inventions on their cars that filter through to other Marques.
Personally Lexus are far more reliable car than Mercedes but do they have the power out put the Mercedes engine in most cases the answers is no.
If i was choosing a car for reliability yes it would be a Lexus over a Mercedes but i wanted a package and that is were the Mercedes wins this battle.
There's got to be some payback in return for the expense and agravation of car ownership.

Far too many cars just don't give you this. and most of those come from the far east.

So, you've got a Lexus that doesn't break down. It also doesn't give you any driving satisfaction, sense of occasion or character. Reliability in itself is no reward.

If you want to be bored into submission for the rest of your driving life, go ahead and walk into that Lexus dealer...

If you want to look forward to every journey, go elsewhere...
I have seen videos by this guy before, he seems to focus on Mercedes for some reason.

Why would any Mercedes owner trust this whiner with their car as he seems to hate them with a vengeance.

I don't really see any difference between many brands they all have good and bad points.

Now back to my god awful wipers.......

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Thanks Gents for your replies, appreciated.

Some good points made. Its true that Lexus are reliable but also a bit on the boring side, the only one that ever stood out to me was the ISF, never the less, well made cars.

Ive wanted a cls for a while, been hammering the mortgage payments for the last three years to finally see it off, been driving a 2005 fiesta 1.2:D. Maybe that's were the problem also lies, used to paying nothing to run a car. My plan is to keep the fiesta, and use the Merc just for weekends. I don't even like parking the Merc in some places, with the fiesta I'm not bothered, don't even lock it!, seems ive gone from one extreme to another, typical me:confused:

About time I stopped looking for problems:crazy:, and just enjoyed it:thumb:

Cheers, Sean
I only watched a little bit of the vid, got some way through his rant about brake discs. Here's my 2 cents.

1) you don't have bigger pads for better heat dissipation, you have bigger pads for greater friction, i.e. More stopping power, which gives more heat, so that's just plain wrong.
2) he says the pads don't touch the edge of the disc and therefore create a lip on the disc. He then says that if you replace the pads they'll rub on the lip and squeak. Well, which is it? Do they touch the edge of the disc or not? Can't be both.
3) if the pads are as big or slightly bigger than the disc, as they wear there will be a small part at the top of the pad that doesn't wear. As the pads are opposed, there Will come a time where the two lips on the pads meet, thus preventing the pads from gripping the disc. You really don't want to be in a car when that happens, as a result I'd be amazed if all cars don't have discs slightly bigger than the pads?
I'm not a mechanic by any means, but all the above seems like common sense to me?
He comes across as a bit of a nob.

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