GrahamC230K said:I saw an M3 in the snow on Wednesday and thought of you.
PS Spotted you again driving past Buckingham Wednesday morning.
PPS. Bump and curbing free touching wood heavily. Despite sliding backwards on a slight incline with handbrake on and also locking rear wheels up momentarilly with a gentle 3rd to 2nd gear change.
We've got to stop meeting like this - sorry, I didn't see you (was probably still distracted by the stress of trying to get up my snow covered drive!!)
Wednesday will not go down in history as a good day for me - managed to go through a speed trap between 85-90 (literally had sped up for about a minute to fit into the traffic when I went past the police car with a camera pointing out of it on the bridge above the M40), then it took me 5 1/2 hours to end up in a hotel in Basingstoke after failing to get home to MK from Bracknell - lost count of how many times I was completely sideways (did manage a couple of 180's, but they were actually intentional as I had to do a couple of u-turns due to closed roads in Basingstoke!!), and it took me 5 minutes to manage to get up the slope of the hotel car park!!!!
Not sure I fancy going through all that again in a hurry.....a 4WD has never sounded like such a good idea!