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Petrol and diesel cars banned by 2050?

1) 2050 is a long way off. This will be superseded by further legislations
2) Oil is likely to become more scarce by 2050. There may be no option
3) New technologies, such as efficient batteries, safe hydrogen storage, or photovoltaic may advance further (and needs a healthy boost from the automotive industry)
4) The technology may chance but private and small commercial vehicles will not go anywhere as such. Think of it as an evolution from a horse carriage to a petrol car.
Well, I will not be alive then... so let 'em do what they will :D
it talks of all journeys over 190 miles being done by train.

I wonder if they mean the end of air travel too?
I was walking along some stationary traffic today along Goods Way near Kings Cross... a VW Golf with 11 plates was progressing at my walking pace. Whenever the car stopped, the engine went dead shortly afterwards. Then, as traffic moved a bit, the grinding sound of a starter motor was heard as the VW shook into life again, and a couple of seconds later the drive sprinted forward to close the gap that opened-up between him and the car in front. This repeated itself for some 10 minutes until the VW and I parted ways. I would be seriously annoyed if I drove a car like that. If this is where internal combustion engines are going, they should rightly be banned altogether. :mad:
If I'm still around , I'll be 92 then - so I doubt it'll make much difference to me .

Besides , the suggestion is only to ban them in cities - fine by me as I don't live in one .
First time I see a rectangular banana in the shops I'll know then :)
I think I read somewhere that Norway was banning new fossil fuel cars in the next few years. I think you'd still be ok to run an old lady. Seems most people want new cars so as long as you like the older model you can could possibly stick with fossil fuel.
Hasn't this been rejected by UK anyway?:thumb:

BBC News - UK rejects EU call for city centre ban on petrol cars

I'll be 83 by then if I'm still around and like Pontoneer I don't live in a city either:D. In fact I could go even further and say I hate sh*tties (sorry must stop drinking this early) cities now so don't think I'll like them anymore at that age.:D:D
I think I read somewhere that Norway was banning new fossil fuel cars in the next few years. I think you'd still be ok to run an old lady. Seems most people want new cars so as long as you like the older model you can could possibly stick with fossil fuel.

My wife is getting older now so should be OK by then :D

Pass me my coat!!

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