I'm sorry, but I have to say it; How do the get a wax, which is basically a solid, to pour out of a bottle? - You guys must have a lot of patience waiting for it to come out........
You see, these entrepreneurs know that you/we are enthusiasts, well, most of us, so they know that you will most probably polish your car about once a month, if not more often, so the product never really gets tested. A good wax should last at least 3 months just as long as you use the correct Shampoos in-between.
Generally cars should only need waxing, (using a proper wax) twice a year, with just a touch-up with a detailer once in awhile.
And don't say - well, it's all this bad weather, etc. - This is what a wax is primarily for - for protection, the shine is a secondary by-product, albeit a pleasant one.
And Fatherpierre, let me know after 3 months
Signed: "Doubtful"