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Rear fogs constantly on!!!


Staff member
May 21, 2003
SL63 AMG & C220 CDi Estate
Tonight driving along, some fool* behind was flashing me for ages.

When I got home & just about to turn off the engine, I noticed that the hedge behind the car was very bright red.

Out I got only to see that my rear fogs were both on with the headlights. So I tried turning them off and on etc no change.

Last month, my footwell started leaking after I discovered I had a blocked drainage point. Are they both linked? If so how come the fogs have only just come on after a month or so of a dry car?

Any ideas?


*Wasnt a fool afterall!
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Are you sure that its the foglight, not just incorrectly fitted brighter bulbs in the rear sidelights?

You should only have one rear fog?
I will have a look tomorrow, when I put the rear fogs on, it remained the same (didnt get any brighter?!) + I havent touched the rear clusters since I got the car...

Very odd...
Double check it's not the brake lights. If you had water coming in the footwell it mat have corroded the brake pedal switch.
Its ok to have 2 rear fogs, but to pass the MOT but if you only have one it must be behind the driver.
I know as mine came from Germany and failed its 1st MOT as it was on the wrong side.
marcos said:
Double check it's not the brake lights. If you had water coming in the footwell it mat have corroded the brake pedal switch.

My thoughts exactly mate.
marcos said:
Double check it's not the brake lights. If you had water coming in the footwell it mat have corroded the brake pedal switch.

Deffo not the brakelights as they are a completely different bulb (at the top) + the light level isnt on...
Very strange, Will try to take the light circuit out and have a look when I get home tonight.

KillerHERTZ said:
Deffo not the brakelights as they are a completely different bulb (at the top) + the light level isnt on...
Very strange, Will try to take the light circuit out and have a look when I get home tonight.

Are you sure you have the right bulbs in . mine has ofset pins on
I havent touched any of the lights though!??! and they have been fine for the past 3 months.

Im thinking its the fogs, when I switched them on, nothing happened... :(
Well doubled checked them, its deffo the Foglights coming on instead of the tails.

I have 2x fogs which I thought was strange?

I currently have some card covering the centre of the lights as I keep getting flashed :(

Booked in new week.

Called up the garage to see if they have had any luck with the fogs, It appears that some fool had forced a brakelight bulb in 2 tight causing it to get double the current - thus acting as a Fog light. - kinda shorting the whole rear clusters.

Wonder who that fool was... :crazy: :o

No comment :)
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:rolleyes: :D
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I'm surprised you got flashed. I've started to get used to people driving around with their fog lights on for no apparent reason, though it is generally chavvies driving around with their front fogs on.

No offence intended btw, just an observation. Glad it was a simple fix for you.
KillerHERTZ said:
I havent touched any of the lights though!??!(

KillerHERTZ said:
It appears that some fool had forced a brakelight bulb in 2 tight causing it to get double the current - thus acting as a Fog light. - kinda shorting the whole rear clusters.

Wonder who that fool was...

:confused: :confused:
GRAV888 said:

I was informed by a mate that I changed a bulb about a month ago - I must be losing my memory :confused:

marcos said:
I thought you said it definately was not the brakelights:confused:

You live and learn:rolleyes:

I havent picked it up yet so I havent seen the full report, but from what I gathered on the phone was that the blub had drawn 2lots of current.

Sorry wrong choice of working when I said brakelight bulb - it wasnt the brakelight itself (if this makes any sense)

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