Tonight driving along, some fool* behind was flashing me for ages.
When I got home & just about to turn off the engine, I noticed that the hedge behind the car was very bright red.
Out I got only to see that my rear fogs were both on with the headlights. So I tried turning them off and on etc no change.
Last month, my footwell started leaking after I discovered I had a blocked drainage point. Are they both linked? If so how come the fogs have only just come on after a month or so of a dry car?
Any ideas?
*Wasnt a fool afterall!
When I got home & just about to turn off the engine, I noticed that the hedge behind the car was very bright red.
Out I got only to see that my rear fogs were both on with the headlights. So I tried turning them off and on etc no change.
Last month, my footwell started leaking after I discovered I had a blocked drainage point. Are they both linked? If so how come the fogs have only just come on after a month or so of a dry car?
Any ideas?
*Wasnt a fool afterall!
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