<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="Muppetz" data-source="post: 730712"
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<a href="/goto/post?id=730712"
data-content-selector="#post-730712">Muppetz said:</a>
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I ask this question to learn rather than to have an argument, but is it the bikers fault ?<br />
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I would have thought, (putting myself in the position of the car driver), that it would have been my fault for not checking my mirrors before changing lanes ?
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you can only see so far back in your mirrors in a traffic queue especially if the road is curved, if anyone, car truck OR bike, is approaching at a speed that has them obscured by following traffic but going to fast to stop then it's not your fault.<br />
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I was riding bikes for years untill i crashed my old Elsie and it nearly killed me, lost a kidney and a rib, damaged my liver and my family were told i wasn't gonna make it so i gave up owning bikes, i've had a few goes on mates bikes since then and personally i think the standard of riding overall has gone down, where as many riders were on bikes years ago because it was cheap and conveniant, these days more people are on bikes for fun, the proportion of bad riders has gone up, i definaetly see more idiocy these days.<br />
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Its fair enough to say why worry? the guy on the bike will come off worse if he hits my car, but why would i want someone who isnt being carefull causing me all the hassle about getting my car fixed?<br />
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i do know good riders and i do "think bike" but its hard to stay neutral when you live almost on top of the M25 and 15 mins from high beech, its bloody murder round here on sunny sundays.</div>