Now that its getting colded (had to use some de-icer the other day) is it possible to get a remote engine start module that works with the existing benz alarm/remote fob set up?
With many cars including MB the car cannot be locked with the key in the ignition, once started the car can lock itself up making it difficult to get in.
Or unlocked via the key buttons when the key is in the ignition. Caught me out first time I picked someone up, when the key was in first press = drivers door only mode, had them stood at the side of the kerb while I fumbled about trying to figure out why the rest of the doors wouldn't open by pressing the key buttons.
Gchild - I would have expected the DAS/Imobiliser to make this difficult on a MB (starting remotely without the key in) however these guys list DAS equipped MBs on their bypass module compatability charts.