CO2 is a perfectly healthy gas which is also present in the sparkling water and bubbly that we drink... the fact that too much of it can cause global warming does not make it a pollutant.
Equally, too much oxygen can be very dangerous, and yet no one would consider oxygen as a 'pollutant'...
We need to keep in mind that while reducing CO2 emissions may be a worthy cause in itself, it will not make any difference to air quality in city centres. Pure-EVs will, however.
EVs push the energy production away from population centres, so we get clean air where we live and drive.
Depending on how the energy is produced, the overall CO2 emissions as well the the air pollution from energy used by EVs may be higher or lower.
Oh no, I dont know how to multiquote
If it is a perfectly healthy gas, try to stay in the room with nothing but CO2, and you wont tell the story how healthy it was

It is also a by-product, and wouldnt exisit if there was no energy being produced / absorbed.
I am not sure I get your comment about oxygen, it is a natural, single element gas, essential to carbon based creatures (us) to survive. Yes, in specific quantity, which is around 19% in the air around us.
CO2 is not however the only bad pollutant ou there, as a matter of fact, its one of the lesser polluting ones. Take CFCs, VOCs which are ozon depleting gases, these are several hundreds, if not thousands more damaging than CO2. Did you know that particles of CFCs can take anything between 20 to 25 years to travel as far as ozon layer and stay there for up to 2 yers. 1 particle of CFCs can damaged around 200,000 particles of O3...
Anyway, water vapour is also classed as greenhouse gas, so it would take a loong time to go through all of them