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Suspension of parking notices

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Lets do away with the scum

I think that's way out of order. In the end, these are just people like all of us trying to make a living for their family. There might be issues that one could genuinely raise around enforcement policies and the like, but those are the responsibility of the policy makers, not the (probably quite underpaid) parking wardens themselves. They are human beings just like the rest of us and have the right to some dignity.

They're scum, and I'm still a charming individual.

I'm sure that's what Himmler said about himself.
Lets do away with the scum and fine people for parking where they're actually causing an obstruction, and not just as a means of generating revenue for the council.

Lets do away with such scum issuing PCNs on technically invalid parking bays.

Lets do away with such scum issuing PCNs that do not conform to the standards set out in law.

Lets do away with any of them not giving the 5 minutes grace period.

Lets do away with them enforcing newly created local parking schemes where previously parking or congestion wasn't a problem.

While we're at it, lets do away with the new rules that allow enforcement of parking without even having to issue a ticket at the time of the offence, so the owner has a lower chance of successfully appealing such tickets.

They're scum, and I'm still a charming individual. They however, are not. I hate them.

Actually Parrot, from this post I deduce you aren't a charming individual at all. Your post is disgusting and offensive and no, I'm not a parking attendant.

Driving and parking round many City centres I have had a few tickets and the odd altercation with a traffic warden, but as has been said they are just doing a job, correctly if they enforce the rules that have been laid down.

It's a thankless task enforcing rules and I'm sure they can get pretty P'd off dealing with members of the public that want to break the rules then call them names like 'scum'.

Would you like it?
Maybe if we all called you that for a week or two you might understand better.

If you don't like the traffic management system in your area take that up with the Council, no the individual.
then call them names like 'scum'.

Would you like it?
Maybe if we all called you that for a week or two you might understand better.


I have a "bag" he can borrow for the full effect!!!
Get this a lot through work - aggressive actions against any employee (be they Attendants, or back-office staff, management team etc) of violence (physical or verbal) are commonplace. I've been called worse; pointless really as it gets the complainant absolutely nowhere and gives everyone involved a giggle* (we are used to it now, especially me after 8 years in the job :rolleyes:).

Agree totally with the above comments; these guys are doing a job, indeed it's a thankless task, that is necessary. How it's perceived through the public is always a challenge. And yes, if you have a gripe, what is the point taking it out on the Attendant? It's the council as a whole you need to complain to ;)

* We don't take violence lightly, our arrest count is pretty good for a small Unitary authority, and we have good support from police and courts
You'll get no agreement from me on calling the Police 'pigs'. The Police have a valuable job to do, I'm glad they exist, and generally they have my full support.

I think you will find that my post was "sarcastic" - sorry if you didnt realise that.....but I do find THAT an irony.....:bannana:
If you don't like the traffic management system in your area take that up with the Council, no the individual.

And they'll just lie about it:


This council painted a legally unenforceable parking bay and issued a completely invalid PCN, to me. Rather than admit they made a mistake, they just made an excuse.

I can guarantee that the street in question will still be painted in exactly the same unenforceable way, and they'll still be raking in money. Not mine though.

This council made exactly the same mistakes, but at least had the honesty to admit it:


The next time I'm in Leeds I'll be checking the road to see if they have changed it. I very much doubt they will have.

Perhaps I should issue a freedom of information request and find out exactly how many tickets have been issued on the basis of these two illegally marked roads?

I don't trust any of them. They're in it to make money, and the people on the sharp end are just as guilty of it as anyone else. Congestion has nothing to do with it.
Get this a lot through work - aggressive actions against any employee (be they Attendants, or back-office staff, management team etc) of violence (physical or verbal) are commonplace. I've been called worse; pointless really as it gets the complainant absolutely nowhere and gives everyone involved a giggle* (we are used to it now, especially me after 8 years in the job :rolleyes:).

I've never insulted or even argued with a parking attendant. I use the law to defend myself, because none of them seem capable of correctly applying it to their parking schemes.
If you want to feel insulted at my comments because you enjoy working in a job that I feel takes money from people for no good reason, then that isn't my problem, its yours.

Nothing I have said here has been aimed at any forum users in particular. The same however cannot be said of others here.
Nope, I'm not insulted chap. Nor am I a Parking Attendant. I just find it amusing you call a fellow human being "scum" for no reason whatsoever. You may dislike their actions, you're entitled to that opinion of dislike, just as I'm entitled to feel you're not making yourself out to be a reasonable person
Parked my bike in a bay on Glasshouse Street

Ahh ... Glasshouse Street. How is the Glassblower pub these days? I spent many a drunken evening there 20-odd years ago drowning my sorrows after work (just over the road). I hope it's not some ghastly gastro-pub now!
Nope, I'm not insulted chap. Nor am I a Parking Attendant. I just find it amusing you call a fellow human being "scum" for no reason whatsoever. You may dislike their actions, you're entitled to that opinion of dislike, just as I'm entitled to feel you're not making yourself out to be a reasonable person

I have my reasons, some of which I've explained above quite clearly.

Perhaps you could explain to me why parking wardens in the examples I've quoted feel that its acceptable to issue invalid tickets? These are people who are supposed to be enforcing rules and regulations. Why don't they follow the rules and regulations laid down in the road traffic act?
Ah right, so are all these "Scum" aware of the technicalities you quote? Obviously a conspiracy.

They're not exactly invalid tickets in the true "My car was 100 miles away, didn't do it Guv" kind of way, no?

Or did they photoshop your car onto the street in question? That'll be next!
A Parking Attendant will do his or her job, as instructed to do so. They won't know if a parking bay is 1mm too narrow; your gripe is with the traffic management people within the town halls, the highway engineers and even the contractors who place the signs & lines on the roads.

It's the naming of the Attendants as "scum" that I find so disappointing.

If you want me to comment on a public forum with regards to other authorities and how they operate, you will be waiting a long time
I admire both your persistence as well as restraint, but in my experience irrationality, stereotypes and/or bigotry are never susceptible to reason or factual debate. That's why they are irrational.

Some people are beyond help.
I have my reasons, some of which I've explained above quite clearly.

The sun was shining today and hopefully it will tomorrow. :)

Generally, generalisations do no one any favours :):)

In fact sometimes they:


Ahh ... Glasshouse Street. How is the Glassblower pub these days? I spent many a drunken evening there 20-odd years ago drowning my sorrows after work (just over the road). I hope it's not some ghastly gastro-pub now!

I've no idea, I was stood outside a different pub round the corner and someone asked me where the Glassblower was.

but I wish people would stop bickering on this thread and divert their energy to answer my query on spark plugs..

Actually it seems people have replied to my spark plug query...

I'll get me coat...:o

Appeal will go in tomorrow (if I get chance) - will keep you posted.

A Parking Attendant will do his or her job, as instructed to do so. They won't know if a parking bay is 1mm too narrow; your gripe is with the traffic management people within the town halls, the highway engineers and even the contractors who place the signs & lines on the roads.

It's the naming of the Attendants as "scum" that I find so disappointing.

If you want me to comment on a public forum with regards to other authorities and how they operate, you will be waiting a long time

My heart bleeds. Anyone who is at the sharp end of a system that penalises motorists for minor offences, charging them ridiculous sums of money out of all proportion to any inconvenience suffered - they deserve the name.

Anyone who says "just doing my job" as they dish out a £120 parking ticket for an offence that doesn't exist - is beneath contempt. They should have the intelligence to know what qualifies as an offence, and what does not.

The people manning speed camera vans are in the same category. Clampers, don't get me started.

I suggest you see if you can find a copy of the Dispatches programme, that shows helpful 'parking attendants' trying to steal a motorbike, or hiding around the corner and issuing tickets at a distance, or not giving the 5-minute grace period, or being told off for not issuing enough tickets (due to targets).

Now we'll have laws that mean they don't even have to ticket the vehicle. That's great when you get a ticket working 200 miles away from home. How many people are going to drive 400 miles to check the validity of the offence? Nobody is.

Its disgusting.
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