seems to be different databases in use, some come up with the car correctly, some come up needing more info, one came up thinking it was a W123 from 1976... (anyone got any idea how that happened???)
as for getting a clio or some other piece of scrap little car, i cant stand little cars, when i was learning in the instructors 1.4 corsa (which btw would be only about 200 quid less to insure) i was hating it, smallest car my parents ever had was a saab 900... and lets be honest they made those little things out of toughened steel girders so felt safe in it, i dont like silly little front wheel drive tin boxes! they dont feel safe and they arent as reliable as a nice big merc, i bought this car not because i want cheap insurance i bought it because unlike most people i want something that will last me a long time, i have the basic although large engined model with none of the optional extras (except electric windows) i started this thread not to grumble about prices, i knew it was going to cost a fortune to insure, but to point out the hilarity that LV consider the 300D which weighs alot and has a mere 109 bhp as "HIGH PERFORMANCE"