Thanks for everyone's input on this to date.
So I had the full diagnosis from new indie MB specialist 'Avantgarde' in Clevedon - Steve is on our forums and very knowledgeable and Steve tends to agree that the Struts leaking would have nothing to do with the Tandem Pump failing as as this is the original pump on the car, it is at the end of its lifespan, so it seems an annoying extra complication and cost.
Chinese supplier of the Struts is still not replying to me, but I am still trying. Ebay will not do anymore other than as they say 'Report' the Seller, but what does that mean? Poor really!
So the quote to get my CL55 AMG back on the road is £4,090.20 including VAT.
- Two struts (which they have sourced at better price than previous garage) £1,236 & £1,186.80
- Tandem Pump £676.20
- Oil £140.40
- Filter £40.80
- Labour £675
Options on struts:
Mercedes Genuine Struts from my Indie garage - £1,236 & £1,186.80 =
Refurbished struts with 'World of Regeneration' at £620 each + £90 deposit + shipping cost £65.00 =
The deposit will be refunded as soon as they receive my old part (I do have my original MB struts still in the garage).
Aliexpress for remanufactured by a company called Luft Meister from China again but different manufacturer.
£359.50 each plus £114.93 =
£833.93 (might be some excise to pay). However, just popped two in my shopping cart and it said they don't deliver to UK, but sure they would if I searched around.
So here is my dilemma, go down a similar route again at
£833.93 ish for 2 and chance them failing and not being able to get a response from the seller?
Buy 'refurbished at
£1,275 which come with a 2 year warranty, but again, what happens if they fail? Have the concern they may not communicate with me and the cost to fix all over again.
MB new original struts at
£2,422.80 or peace of mind with the MB product - although I have just asked the question of what warranty do I get with genuine MB struts.
What else can go wrong with my ABC system is my concern, as it can only be a matter of time that issues happen on the rear struts?
Anyway, just thought this would be useful to share and as always interested in all your thoughts (I won't hold you to them) as we are all keen on keeping these wonderful cars on the road and enjoying them - but give me a break here!