TMC Versus Trafficmaster...Who wins??
Thursday Dec 6th at 8.45AM travelling on the M26 heading for the M25. TMC tells me that the M26 has an average speed of 24mph with little yellow cars across its whole length while trafficmaster YQ2 box tells me no problems on the M26.
Reality... Im travelling at 75mph with no congestion in site for 12 miles!!
The TMC system doesnt update for 45 mins!!!
Now I understand that the TCM system is based on radio signals from various trucks, cars and coaches but how long does it take to update!!
The Trafficmaster YQ2 updates every 3 mins and its is very very accurate. I have been saved from many a problem by this great system and having recently upgraded to the new 2007 DVD on my E320 command system I had hoped the TMC would be a great back up.
I have found that on a regualr basis the TMC is very inaccurate and now I tend to ignore it. Why does it take so long to update the system ie up to 30 minutes from the original problem....I understand that Trafficmaster has sensors on most mway bridges and that it updates very quickly and comapred to TMC its streets ahead.
Thursday Dec 6th at 8.45AM travelling on the M26 heading for the M25. TMC tells me that the M26 has an average speed of 24mph with little yellow cars across its whole length while trafficmaster YQ2 box tells me no problems on the M26.
Reality... Im travelling at 75mph with no congestion in site for 12 miles!!
The TMC system doesnt update for 45 mins!!!
Now I understand that the TCM system is based on radio signals from various trucks, cars and coaches but how long does it take to update!!
The Trafficmaster YQ2 updates every 3 mins and its is very very accurate. I have been saved from many a problem by this great system and having recently upgraded to the new 2007 DVD on my E320 command system I had hoped the TMC would be a great back up.
I have found that on a regualr basis the TMC is very inaccurate and now I tend to ignore it. Why does it take so long to update the system ie up to 30 minutes from the original problem....I understand that Trafficmaster has sensors on most mway bridges and that it updates very quickly and comapred to TMC its streets ahead.