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Transmission bang and lost drive


New Member
Mar 19, 2009
New member so any thoughts appreciated on this....

Here is my sorry tale.
Was driving my 300 TD Estate after visiting KFC (I know bad for me, but as it turns out bad for the car as well). I'd put a large container of Coke on the glovebox cup holder and it seemed secure - however a sharp turn saw it fall on to the central console and pour itself down the automatic transmission selector - I frantically wiped up what I could but the bulk of the liquid disappeared. after cleaning I set about driving, hoping the coke would find its way out of the car around the outside of the gearbox....all was fine until about ten minutes later just after negotiating a steep hill there was a large bang under the centre console and drive was lost - it was accompanied by a horrendous clattering.
I coasted on to a garage forecourt - after switching off the engine the first thing i realised was that park no longer held the car on a gradient. I got out and from the point of the first bang to where I had stopped there was a trickle of fluid (hydraulic it seemed) following the car and dripping underneath.
My questions are firstly could the incidents be related (seems a coincidence) and secondly what mechanical failure would this be - I initially thought prop shaft coupling but why would fluid be running out ? could it be internal gearbox failure ? - prior to this it was the smoothest auto I had driven with no noises and worked perfectly. Mileage is 193,000 and car has been looked after.
Help !
Sounds like a major mechanical failure like the torque converter letting go. Don't think its connected to your spill incident.
It does seem too much of a coincidence. Need to get the car on a ramp and have a good look. If the coke got into the transmission somehow then it will not have done it any good at all. Sorry to hear the tale. Let us know what the result is.
Fizzy cola drinks are very acidic. I have had very expensive broadcast equipment destroyed because someone put their can on the desk and knocked it over. The acid quickly eats away printed circuit tracks. If there are any gearbox related electrics in the console then a close inspection would be in order.
There aren't any electronics on these gearboxes to be damaged.

Bang + clattering + fluid loss + loss of drive + park no longer operational

That sounds like a very serious failure of the gearbox
Forget coke being the problem, it's the KFC family buckets = weight gain = a shagged gearbox :D
Hi - just had it looked at by a garage - seems the prop shaft coupling has broken up as the end of the gearbox is smashed, hence the fluid. the garage reckons the car is scrap as a secondhand auto box would be £1800 - sounds steep to me. They said its the back of the box which is broken - does anyone know if this alone can be replaced and if not how tricky it is to replace an auto box on a 300td. It would likely need new coupling and possible prop shaft bearing too.
should get a s/h box for around £150 i reckon
Hi - just had it looked at by a garage - seems the prop shaft coupling has broken up as the end of the gearbox is smashed, hence the fluid. the garage reckons the car is scrap as a secondhand auto box would be £1800 - sounds steep to me. They said its the back of the box which is broken - does anyone know if this alone can be replaced and if not how tricky it is to replace an auto box on a 300td. It would likely need new coupling and possible prop shaft bearing too.

There's a 300TD for sale in Sunbury (failed mot due to rust) bloke wants £400 for the whole car.

Talk of used boxes costing £1800 is lunacy.
Depends how much of the box is smashed and if there is any internal damage. The rear case for the g/box is only £140 on its own if that's all that is required.
"Talk of used boxes costing £1800 is lunacy."

That's the sort of figure on a reconditioned used box, I guess. But there seem to be more sensible options, as mentioned above. Labour costs unlikely to be less than £500 though?
If the s/h gbox is £1800,might as well buy my whole car and you can break it for parts!

My gearbox works like a charm.

W124 E320 1994M

The car itself is in classifieds now for £795!
Just as an aside , i had to replace the selector lever on my old CLK due to a can of coke having been tipped inside.

Once you replace the gearbox , get it put on a STAR and look for the selector module fault codes.
Sorry , misread it , thought it was a w210 ... :o
sorry but you are probably better off selling yours for spares or breaking it your self and buying another car.
Sorry to hear about your woes, but i seriously doubt its related to your coca-cola clumsiness (happens to the best of us).

But your mechanic is having you on... you might want to consider sourcing a second hand gearbox (one for mine cost £200 delivered), and getting a mechanic to fit it on. Its not extremely difficult, could cost £200 in labour at maximum.

But be sure to diagnose your car properly, you need to know exactly what parts are faulty and require replacement.
Hi thanks for all your feedback - am slowly making progress and have ordered a secondhand gearbox end plus doughnuts to fix this - but for the life of me I can't find out what size socket I need for the wierd nut on the transmission tail shaft. Looking online I have seen 30mm, 29mm and 27mm sockets all quoted as the correct size - all deep and 12 point.........but having ordered the 30mm socket I find that while it may well fit the nut it won't go down into the recess of the gearbox to reach it as the circumfrence of the socket is too great. Can someone tell me the exact socket I need to undo the tail shaft nut on a 1990 W124 300D Auto ? and also point me to where they are available at minimal cost. Thanks.

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