Do you know what it means when a three year old boy whispers, “its coming?”
What could be coming?
Well back to the build.
Weekends are the only time I can use my own ramps at work, as they are in constant use.
Friday afternoons one of the technicians finishes early and so I take a few hours out to make some progress.
Plan was to swap rear sub-frames over by the end of the weekend. Well we would have to in order to be able to get them out of the workshop ready for Monday.
We pushed the saloon onto the ramp and I started disconnecting all of the bits and pieces attached to the rear sub-frame.
First the springs have to be removed which is very easy on these cars with the correct tools.
Then the handbrake cables and brake sensors were disconnected. Once everything is out of the way, the complete sub-frame was lowered off the car.
Once the 500 sub-frame was out, I set about replacing every suspension arm, link and bush on the axles. The sub-frame bushes were the most time consuming as they were pretty well stuck in.
The 500E has been a joy to dismantle so far as there was no rust anywhere. No seized bolts, no rounded off nuts.. most of the underside is like the day it left the factory.
The sub-frame was in nice condition also. No point painting this as I had considered, it came up great after a wash.
Now that the sub-frame was out, the next task was to remove all lines for fuel and rear suspension.
I had already ordered all new hoses and metal pipes for this. Unfortunately some of the front to rear metal pipes for both suspension and brakes came incorrect. Too long, short or with the wrong ends. Mercedes tend to do this with brake pipes, no longer come in the correct form.
So on Friday night I labelled and removed all the pipes from the 500E. They were like brand new. Never seen a used car with such clean metal lines.
Got home quite late on Friday after catching up with work and nursing my bruised finger which id struck with my large hammer earlier… those sub-frame bushes.. grrrr..
Fellow housemates not too happy with my choice of perfume as I walk in… A unique cocktail of 97 RON, DOT 4 and ZHF fluid.
Saturday afternoon came around. We put the estate up on another ramp and I started dismantling the sub frame. All went well and it was out pretty quickly.
The sub-frame is very different. The 500 sub-frame is mostly tubular. The regular is much less heavy duty. See pictures below.
Luckily I couldn’t see much difference between the mounting points. I was worried there may be some differences between saloon/estate.
I removed all of the brake and suspension lines for the estate. These were NOT in the same condition as the 500E! Most were quite rusty.
Wife and the kids were to be out so I had the evening to carry on.
I couldn’t have done any more sub-frame work as I needed people to help me lift it into place.
Early evening on Saturday I started swapping over the steering parts. The 500E box is quite compact in comparison to the standard item.
The rest of the steering gear is all R129 and has to be swapped also. I have ordered all new links and track rods etc but they have not yet arrived. It took me a few hours to swap everything. Plenty of tight bolts and plenty of beating required to release those steering arm joints from their homes of over 25 years. I was still pretty upset with the hammer so it took a bit longer.
Somewhere that afternoon I had also offered up the pipework to the estate. Surprisingly the pipework was pretty much spot on. I didn’t have to bend it much at all. It all lined up really well.
The saloon and estate have the same wheelbase so I guess it makes sense.
There are more pipes on the 500E though as due to ASR, the brakes all have individual lines from the pump to each wheel.
I used the 500E fuel pumps. The estate also has a “pre pump” to aid fuel getting over the sub-frame to the fuel pumps which is mounted under the rear seat. I left this in position.
I only had to extend the return fuel line due to the different position of the fuel tank.
All of the suspension pipes including flexi pipes were changed to new. The 500E lines run down the right of the car to the engine bay whereas on the estate they had originally run the left side.
The suspension spheres were replaced whilst I was in there.
So in short, everything was swapped to 500E spec.
Around 9pm Saturday I went back into the office to finish off with work, which I had been doing in between spannering.
I get a phone call. I know who it is before I answer it. I sense the impending doom. Yep, she was pretty upset. I had misunderstood. I was supposed to be home to watch the kids a lot earlier, whilst she went out.
So I did the best thing any male can do in this situation. I stayed at work and advertised cars until I knew it was safe to go home.
Sunday morning I was feeling pretty tired.
Not sure if it was all that lifting of sub frames and heavy steering boxes, being shouted at or just lack of sleep.
I swapped over the anti-roll bars complete with new bushes.
The original self-levelling valve from the estate had to be used.. This is because the 500E uses one supply from the valve to both shocks. The estate has two ports, one for each side. So I went with the estate version as I had already run all new pipes to the shocks and used all new estate specific parts for this.
Anyway, both sub frames were out on the floor ready to go back up.
I had to swap the spring perches (or carriers) over as the estate has slightly different shock absorber attachment to the saloon.
With the assistance of the entire sales team at Mercland the sub-frame from the 500E was lifted into the estate. Thankfully all lined up and it went up into position with minimal fuss.
The same was done for the 500E.. if nothing else just to keep it mobile on its wheels for pushing around.
I then came to fitting the H&R lowering springs to the estate. The boxes had the correct part number on but inside the springs looked like they were to fit a Hummer.
Very angry email sent to supplier. Kicked the bin a few times. Feel better.
I fitted the original 500E springs to the estate (looking like new of course).
All of the brake/suspension lines were properly attached to the body using the original clips/mounts from the 500E. I will need to check that nothing is fouling the rear anti roll movement bar once it’s all up and running, but looks good for now.
The 500 springs make the rear sit quite nice… So maybe I won’t bother with lowering springs after all.
Following Saturdays mix up, I had been given a strict deadline. I HAD to spend time with my offspring.
After a thorough tidy up, the cars were pushed back out of the workshop and all of the thousand and one tools that I had amassed on the floor, were cleaned and put away until next week.
A well-deserved family trip to TGI Fridays helped the relaxation required after a pretty busy weekend on the cars and running a business concurrently.
My son’s inquisition into the name of the restaurant as to why it implies that it only opens on a single day each week, took up any remaining patience.
As the weekend comes to a close, I like to lie in bed and fall asleep to a bit of Netflix.
Just as I select “Daddy” on the Netlfix welcome screen, the young son whispers, “its coming.”
Like all of you, I wonder what may be coming? Could it be Christmas? The rampant screaming and running around that my wife displayed indicated I was in for more of a disaster… But as always I could not decipher ‘hysterical woman speak.’
So I continued with the possibilities in my own head.. hmm It’s a little early for the apocalypse.
Well I probably should have mimicked my wife, as a split second after the words had left my sons mouth, it was very clear
what was coming.
Yep… The £6.99 meal deal was refunded to me in liquid form on my chest.
That was my weekend!