Hi everyone!
Over the last week, I have done some little jobs whilst I wait for Chris to complete his bit.
I had a call from the engine builders to say that the block was ready for me to collect.
I didn’t realise that they would not be reassembling the block back to how I gave it to them.
Upon collection, I was given a clean and honed bare block.
The crankshaft and all of the pistons and other loose parts were in a box, cleaned but in bits.
Apparently, unless they do a complete engine build themselves, they won’t reassemble as a policy. As I had given them the block and heads separately, they would not build the block back up. Something to do with their liability.
I wasn’t too happy with this as I hate assembling something I didn’t take apart.
I took it over to another engine builder/friend who will check everything and build the bottom end with all new bearings that I have supplied.
The original engine builder still has the heads which required new guides and valve stem seals.
I am promised the heads will come back to me complete and built up… Lets see..
Old Valve guide vs New (Genuine Mercedes Part)
Chris the welder couldn’t come in as much as hoped last week.
Chris hurt his eye not once but twice on other jobs. That’ll teach him to forget to pull down the eye protection glasses from his forehead.
His depiction of the hospital “Eyeball Polishing” procedure is not something I wish to ever experience.
He did pop in one night. He managed to finish welding the cross member completely after checking it with a bubble in a tube.
Chris then came back on Saturday afternoon to carry on with the firewall modifications.
The cut out panels were taken away to his cave and prepared ready to weld into the estate.
We then needed to cut the firewall panel on the estate to the exact shape of the prepared donor items from the 500E.
Our laser 3D mapping and cutting tool is currently on loan to NASA and therefore we used the next best thing.
A section of a Supaloops box was cut to the shape required. I would have gone for Crunchy Nut myself.
This shape was marked out on the estate. With some precision cutting from Chris, the estate was ready to receive the donor part.
This is the lower section ready to be welded in.
And the upper being test fitted