Which part is overflowing ?
The six cylinder cars have a tandem pump with two separate chambers - one reservoir for PAS on top of the pump and another for SLS in a bottle to the side , marked ZHM .
It is normal for the hydraulic oil in the SLS system to fluctuate in level according to the load in the back f the car and how much fluid is pumped into the spheres to compensate : remove load from the back of the car and fluid is returned to the reservoir - there are maximum/minimum marks on the side of the reservoir above/below which the levels should not stray - if someone has 'topped up' when a load in the back has caused fluid to be pumped into the accumulators , then there will be too much fluid in the system and the reservoir could indeed overflow when the car is unloaded .
PAS can fluctuate slightly in level , but it is unusual for this to 'overflow' - more usually it will run low due to leaks in the steering box seals .
Having said the above , the tandem pumps are known to wear out after high mileages . Rarely , you can get away with rebuilding with the seal kit which is about £30-ish from MB , but usually by the time a loss of fluid is evident it is too late and a new pump at £400+ is required : when the seals go , the bearings run dry and the shaft wears out the pump housing - been there , got the T shirt ! The pump in my 300TE went at just shy of 200K ( my pump ran dry because of a rotten hydraulic pipe underneath the back of the car caused all the ZHM fluid to leak out , once the pump bearings ran , I then lost PAS - this happened in the space of less than a week since i had last looked under the bonnet ! ) , luckily I sourced a secondhand one for £100 from a low mileage car in a breakers .