W124 gtg in London

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i'd be up for this, a just w124 meet would be pretty cool, depends when it is though and Ace Cafe is good for me, never been before!
Im up for a london meet and a national one too!

Does this forum have an official presence at any car shows/events in the UK?
How about MB.World?It has to be early though
So fellas, any news as to where/when this is going to be. I will need to wash the car and that means forward planning....
So fellas, any news as to where/when this is going to be. I will need to wash the car and that means forward planning....

Just looking for a location at the moment,any ideas.:)
This was PMd to me by a member

(Also I see a number of people have asked for a central location, if it helps I have my own business in Shrewsbury and parking for over 50 cars in my car park, I would be happy to have you all there on a weekend.)

I would like to keep it around London as is good for most of us,but still let me know if that`s any good
I would be quite happy to go up to Shrewsbury for a national W124 GTG certainly. As to London, a venue is the key thing.
My father owns the Budgens store and Esso forecourt up in Wolverhampton - Opposite RAF Cosford on A41 Albrighton - as an option for a midlands GTG..

Id prefer a London Location due to mileage - but would be interesting for any Merc or just a W124 GTG - sounds good either way
How about the Hilton hotel in Watford (A41), has a huge car park, restaurant and bar there too?
That looks a nice pub, well done! I assume Sundays, so apart from 16 & 23 May, I am free for any event in May or June.
Looks good Dash - well done for taking the plunge on venue :thumb:

I'll try and make it, subject to a date of course :)

I was thinking around summer as we have the one at Ollys and the NGTG the month after.Would a sunday in july be ok to you boys?To me is not a problem we can have it any time but that way it gives everyone time.
I'm on

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