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was that you in the gtr reg vk 10 bla bla bla?


Active Member
Sep 13, 2009
mutty the nail; wide body amg 124 coupe
brand new perl white 50 grand jap crap on the a14 cambridge huh? ha ha, you thought you'd flash that old cranky lookin merc out of the way... suprise surprise, the heap pulled over but then you couldnt get past. oh well!
Id loved to have seen the look on his face when he tried to get past and just couldn't! That'll teach him. Wont be trying that anytime soon.
I know its pretty self explanatory - But, would you care to add a little depth?
Doesn"t that make you feel good , had a similar thing on the A16 a couple of days ago some idiot in a newish Renault trying to intimidate & cut in ,floored the old 190e made him look a real numpty!!
brand new perl white 50 grand jap crap on the a14 cambridge huh? ha ha, you thought you'd flash that old cranky lookin merc out of the way... suprise surprise, the heap pulled over but then you couldnt get past. oh well!

It's hard not to read this situation as:

You were driving along in a lane and a faster moving vehicle approached you from behind. Upon being flashed, you were able to move over, implying that you probably already should have done so without prompting. Then, when the car started to pass you, you accelerated pointlessly in order to prevent a legitimate passing manouevre by the other car.

I imagine that the other driver quite rightly identified you as an accident waiting to happen and backed off rather than involve himself in a race.

Or did I misread your post?
It's hard not to read this situation as:

You were driving along in a lane and a faster moving vehicle approached you from behind. Upon being flashed, you were able to move over, implying that you probably already should have done so without prompting. Then, when the car started to pass you, you accelerated pointlessly in order to prevent a legitimate passing manouevre by the other car.

I imagine that the other driver quite rightly identified you as an accident waiting to happen and backed off rather than involve himself in a race.

Or did I misread your post?

Always two sides to every story!! ;)
Always two sides to every story!! ;)

Totally agree - what is surprising here is that the evidence is all in the OP's own description of events and not in a counter argument supplied by the other driver!
LOL..... who cares who was right or wrong, they were both probably going over 70 and were therefore both wrong. Nice little story i think :)
Yeah, lets keep it going for German engineering well done that man.
racing on the public hightway is illegal and immoral, not to mention dangerous. i never have or ever will do such a thing, there was a very strange phenominon, whereby the traffic had all come to a complete standstill, it often happens just there, for no apparent reason, i think it is caused by people tailgating and sudden breaking causing consatenas, and harder breaking as the consatena grows, untill the traffic come to a halt, we were stood for about five mins.

anyway it cleared and i wasnt watching and allowed the traffic to move away somewhat when it moved off, after a pause, i was honked to wake me up.

i then stalled due to the dam paddel clutch, wich is just a pain in the ass. fustration was , as always relieved with a quick flexing of the right foot however.

he was obviously late for getting to the next go slow, so on restarting, we went from like 0 to 80 in not long, i moved over into the left lane, and he didnt look like getting in front untill i backed off and he then roared past and braked hard.
if he wasnt tring to show the old banger what 50 grands worth of four wheel drive super car goes like then i am a one legged parson.

his face WAS a picture though when he caugth up the traffic and i then pulled along side him, he was forced to look over at the scabby, but wider than normal old merc and wonder if he was dreaming!

i am safe and respectfull when i drive, there is no law againts reaching the speed limit at any meters per second squared rate, so lighten up.

0-80 in any time is illegal.

Driving with undue consideration for other road users is an offence. It may be classed as careless or dangerous driving as well. That can account for your rapid progress as you put it - it's all about the situation.

Being baited by another car and responding suggests you WERE racing.
So what? Get a life you moralistic lot. What's the point in having a beast of a car if you don't utilise it?
Was it a short gap in the traffic?

I've not had the privellege of driving either a 320 twin turbo or GT-R, but a GT-R really ought to have the legs to get passed assuming that the driver actually wanted to and there is physically enough road to pass - they are ferociously quick and supposedly very very easy to drive quickly.

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