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Well sick yo!!!

Top ad tho,

Can anyone else hear the thumpin bass track, or is it me?
10 bags geez:D:D

1.6 vectra bet thats fast:D

Great advert:thumb:

Of course the question we should all be asking is what are you doing looking at vectra rear lights?

Have you read the full Q and A page ?

wikkid. innit. totally trix. innit
Last edited:
The seller has added additional info to his listing:

On 30-Oct-09 at 18:12:58 GMT, seller added the following information:

234 ppl wotching dis awkshun. wot da f*ck are u all lukkin at? ile bang u owt

dats rite. bang u owt

lyk wen darth vayda found owt iz son & dorter woz doin stuff wiv each ova nd he cut of luk's and. i cud c wer the guy woz comin from, dnt get me rong but dat was a bit harshe. u cud av just happi slappt da boi or sumfink els u no? now how iz he goin 2 wyp iz a rse ? he myt av 2 get choobakka 2 cum n help im on da thrown, but den how wud u av a propa ruckus wiv da storm trupers if u iz bein followd by a sh i ttee wooky?!
This guys a genius !! :D

Had a few beers here , and the image of a sh i ttee wooky is killing me !!
Bear says to rabbit hey does sh** stick to your fur? rabbit says no, so bear picks up rabbit and wipes his ars* with the rabbit:D

Brilliant listing!
ebay have finally woken up and have pulled the listing, a great read though. Not sure about Nottingham he kept talking about Apsley which is next door to Hemel.
aspely is a suburb of nottingham.

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