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Worst Driving Habits


Active Member
Mar 15, 2007
Somerset, UK
Ford Fusion + :( (Company Car)
What habit really gets to you on the road?

I apoligise if this has already been done, I fancy a rant.

I really hate people who don't say thankyou when you let them out, or past. It doesn't take much effort to flash your lights or put up your hand??

It really annoys me.

What gets you mad? :p
Middle lane hoggers.
Toyota Priuses.
Dawdlers in Toyota Priuses.
Middle lane dawdlers in Toyota Priuses.
Old people.
Young people.
Middle aged people.
Ah well, Rose Chap has ruined it for the rest of us :D

:bannana: :bannana: :bannana:

People who use mobiles while driving
Middle lane hoggers.
Toyota Priuses.
Dawdlers in Toyota Priuses.
Middle lane dawdlers in Toyota Priuses.
Old people.
Young people.
Middle aged people.

Can't believe you forgot to mention your real pet hate - the Toyota Prius - there done it for you ;)
Thanks Pammy! How could I have missed that?! :)

There is something about the smugness of these people driving their faux-environmentally sound fashion statements that irks me, as my post may have let you know. :o
Not indicating on dual carriageway roundabouts.

Or indicating once on the roundabout at the last minute that despite being on the inside you now want to turn right, and because you are now indicating of course everyone in the other lane going ahead will stop to let you cut in front.

Grrr - on the way home tonight - thank heavens for ABS
I wholeheartedly agree with Rose Chap on the prius thing. In every test i have read or seen, it has never given a better consumption figure than a french diesel car. Maybe they should just make something smaller with a more frugal engine than loading up the car with heavy batteries and electric motors.

Back to topic - People who take an age to take the hint that you are giving way/letting them in/letting them out, my favourite response to which is - Do you want a ******* written invitation or something?? Being a tractor driver by trade i have to drive slow enough already without being held up by 'normal' vehicles!!
Drivers that take forever to turn right at traffic lights and leave you stranded across a busy road:devil:
Hey i'll have you know that the mayor of eco-friendly Richmond Upon Thames (you know , the borought that now charges residents with 4x4's massive parking permits) has given back his borough Daimler and now drives .....

A Toyota Prius ....

When I saw his fat smug face in the article in our local paper I had an irrational urge to buy a gun , shave my head, climb a tower and start shooting ..... :crazy:
Oh yeh, and drivers who insist on trying to burn you off when you pull up on their outside at traffic lights. It doesn't seem to matter how old/young they are or what car they have:devil:

Other pet hate are drivers that don't allow you to merge in when road narrows or when you want to join a motorway.
Back to topic - People who take an age to take the hint that you are giving way/letting them in/letting them out, my favourite response to which is - Do you want a ******* written invitation or something?? Being a tractor driver by trade i have to drive slow enough already without being held up by 'normal' vehicles!!
:D :D Game on :) :)
Tractor driver that fetch the ploughed field onto the highway and allow huge dollops of mud to fly off the tyres.

Tractor drivers that fail to clean off their lights (or know how to work them)

Tractor drivers that tow trailers with no brake lights or indicators.

Tractor drivers that drive along country lanes at 10mph for over 100 miles without pulling over.

Tractor drivers that cut hedgerows without putting out road signs or warning other road users of what they are doing

:D :D Whewwww Tractor drivers that ..... enough, enough already

Sorry about that, I blame my medication
Take care and watch out for tractor drivers that drive at night without ANY lights :o :o :o

John the tractor driver;)
Didn't we have a huge thread on this recently?
:D :D Game on :) :)
Tractor driver that fetch the ploughed field onto the highway and allow huge dollops of mud to fly off the tyres.

Tractor drivers that fail to clean off their lights (or know how to work them)

Tractor drivers that tow trailers with no brake lights or indicators.

Tractor drivers that drive along country lanes at 10mph for over 100 miles without pulling over.

Tractor drivers that cut hedgerows without putting out road signs or warning other road users of what they are doing

:D :D Whewwww Tractor drivers that ..... enough, enough already

Sorry about that, I blame my medication
Take care and watch out for tractor drivers that drive at night without ANY lights :o :o :o

John the tractor driver;)

Tractor driver - yes Agriculture - no

I merely mow grass and other grounds maintenance stuff for the city council, although i am guilty of getting mud on the road now and again. more often than not its clouds of dried grass coming off my gang mowers in the summer - beware all hay fever sufferers.
What habit really gets to you on the road?

What gets you mad? :p

What about this one Hannah?....hang on, just getting ready to duck....
lady drivers preening themselves in the rear view mirror, in the rush -hour?
....and probably a few of the male sex also........:eek: :D :D

but I hasten to add...I'm not sexist in any way shape or form! :rolleyes:
What habit really gets to you on the road?

A few of mine have already been posted, so here is a small collection of others ;)

- idiots driving without lights in the middle of the night (can see plenty of those here!)
- idiots driving in thick fog without fog lights or in perfectly clear weather with the bloody fog lights on
- the morons that jump the traffic light queues when you approach Earl's Court on the A4 from the West

1. People who cut me up without indicating, I wouldn't mind so much if they did inidcate, at least I could have some warning!!

2. Dawdlers/dopey/dithering type

3. People who refuse to let you in when merging, they refuse to look at you and go bumper to bumper, I shove my cars nose in anyway, they soon move!

4. Boy/girl racers who want to have a go at every set of lights, I had a metro pull up next to me once, and I just said "goodbye" and left em standing, thing is, I sometimes feel I have to prove it, other times I don't bother, my badge says it all!!

5. Lane hoggers, on dual carriageway/motorway, STOP sitting in outside lane and get over!!!

Sure there's more but I'm gettin wound up thinkng about it!:o :D
Front foglamps on in all weathers.

Horseboxes seemingly incapable of more than 20mph

Lane hoggers of all types

Caravans. Abominations under any circumstances (apart from when exploding or on fire)
Caravans. Abominations under any circumstances

Agreed :D

Especially when they are driving it on the middle lane from London to Cardiff!

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