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Yet another bluetooth iphone question!


Active Member
Mar 7, 2009
CLK W209 500 Elegance
OK as usual my skills at getting this sorted are rubbish!!! I think i have worked one thing out, that MB command/bluetooth/cradle system is v complex!

I have;
  • W164 ML with Command
  • Integrated phone kit
  • MB "bluetooth" iphone cradle
  • iphone 3GS
The iphone works fine sitting in the cradle, but i have a Brodit charging dash cradle nearer eye level that i have now installed so i want the iphone to work via blouetooth.

Command has bluetooth but not for making calls apparently?!!!??? It will connect to my iphone but my iphone says its not connected - so thats no good. Whats the bluetooth onj command actually for? Manual says you need a phone cradle aswell to make the command BT work??

The iphone cradle has bluetooth - i have followed the instructions (emailed to me by the nice chaps at Command on line :D), but the instructions say that when you have established the bluetooth connection you then put the phone in the cradle?!!??!! Whats the point of that. If i take the iphone out of the cradle then command says i have no phone connected.

I have done a search here and have read that even if i did get the bluetooth connection on the cradle to work without the phone in it then i can't make and receive calls from the phone itself, i have to use the command keypad? Is this right? If so then its no good for me anyway.

I'm guessing i ditch the iphone cradle and get a Viseeo bluetooth unit instead?

All help, as aways, hugley appreciated. Please help me.


Thicky McThick
Maybe i should simplify my rambles!

Is it true that the MB iphone cradle, when on bluetooth, means that i can't use the phone itself to dial?

I really thought about getting the MB iphone cradle and glad I did'nt as by reading your post it limits your options.

I went with the Viseeo and a brodit pass through holder that I adapted to use with the ipod cable. This enables me to use bluetooth phone with viseeo, charge the iphone with the ipod cable (had to get the latest one from Comand Online) and listen to my iphone through the comand system.

I can call and receive calls by either using the iphone or the buttons on comand...:thumb:

Hope this helps in your choice but maybe you are not setting it up right and someone else who has one (MB iphone cradle) can help further.



I really thought about getting the MB iphone cradle and glad I did'nt as by reading your post it limits your options.

I went with the Viseeo and a brodit pass through holder that I adapted to use with the ipod cable. This enables me to use bluetooth phone with viseeo, charge the iphone with the ipod cable (had to get the latest one from Comand Online) and listen to my iphone through the comand system.

I can call and receive calls by either using the iphone or the buttons on comand...:thumb:

Hope this helps in your choice but maybe you are not setting it up right and someone else who has one (MB iphone cradle) can help further.




Oooooh, i like those extra dash buttons you have!!

Thanks for that, yes i'm sure its a case of user error. I don't suppose you know what uses the command system bluetooth has do you?
The built in bluetooth in the older Comand units can connect to a personal headset only. You need a cradle to connect a phone via bluetooth.

Only the latest Comand units like NTG2.5 have full bluetooth function built into the headunit so no phone pre-wire and cradle is needed.
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Thank you all, and special thanks to Mark of Comand.co.uk (aka Alfie) for sorting out my issue today. Turned out that there was a gremlin between the iphone and the iphone cradle (not just me being thick!), so the subsequent purchase and fitting of a Viseeo sorted it in seconds. I'm now 100% sorted for bluetooth :bannana:

Mark also pointed out that i had an aux input in the glovebox that i didn't know about!! :rock:
Just for completeness, the original mercedes iPhone cradle required the phone in the cradle (even though it used Bluetooth). The 3G iPhone cradle doesn't require phone in cradle. Both will only pair with an iPhone

Thanks, yes thats what i have. Can you get it to link by BT i.e fully functional when not in cradle?
hi mate; yes i have no problem linking it wirelessly; only differences i've noticed are the obvious; it doesn't charge if not connected, and if connected uses the car's aerial so you get better reception/ signal strength.

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