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  1. brucemillar

    Holiday burn up moving on

    Well on the 26th August returning from the family hoilday in Scotland our beloved P38 4.6 HSE Range Rover - caught alight on the A66 just outside of Penrith. Wife, Kids and me all baled out with no drama. Car went up (fuel fire) very quickly. Burnt out from the front to the dash board in a...
  2. D

    Brands Hatch Bank Holiday :)

    A nice dry day at Brands Hatch for the Dunlop festival. A few piccies....
  3. developer

    E Class Estate - it's a holiday car proper.

    Four people. One dog. All the luggage, including bedding and some food (for a self catering chalet) below the level of the loadspace cover (well, nearly) and utilising the additional under bootfloor storage. 40 mpg 100mph (in places) - while still talking at normal levels. This is one...
  4. A

    130K while on holiday

    While heading to our holiday destination in France, loaded up we ticked over to 130000 miles :) Not bad MPG either given the weight on board !!!
  5. MarkP80

    Taking your SLK on holiday

    Never mind towing a Smart car behind the camper van, this is the way to do it in style! -
  6. A

    Clay question and Items to take on Holiday for a 'Holiday detail'

    Hello Since owning my Current car its never had a 'proper' clean, I bought it during November and then through the bad Winter never got round to it. Then Little one number two has taken a fair bit of time... Don't get me wrong its had a weekly wash / tyre black and I've attempted to clean...
  7. Dave Richardson

    Beam Benders for holiday travel

    I've bought a pair of Saxon "beam benders" to deflect the dip beam to the right whilst touring France. The fitting instructions aren't up to much & neither is the web site, can sometime give me an idea as to wher they should be fitted on my W203 coupe headlights please Dave:confused:
  8. Mike Walker

    Holiday in the Western Isles of Scotland - 2011

    Having recently watched Countryfile which featured North Uist, and having an interest in photography, nature, ornithology etc seems like a really good place to go to on holiday next year. Only 700 miles from London too:bannana: Anyone rented/know of accom. there or on any of the other Islands...
  9. bpsorrel

    Shortest ever holiday!

    We're back at home!!! Went to Heathrow this morning - - never seen anything like it!! We weren't even alowed into the terminal!! In the end, my wife contacted Lufthansa in Moscow (!! they weren't answering calls in UK!!) and got us booked onto a BA flight tomorrow afternoon! Not sure if...
  10. Druk

    Our Spain/Portugal holiday

    After overwhelming requests (well: *** at any rate) here is the write-up of the recent Spain/ Portugal road-run. (with apologies to those who also use the Owners-Club forum and have read it already). Prologue... Leaving home on 7th aug and an overnight in the PremierLodge at Bromsgrove we...
  11. J

    Another long Bank holiday weekend

    No GTG?:dk:
  12. S

    SO I was meant to be going on Holiday....

    This morning on the drive to work I was feeling very pleased with myself. I had just one day left to go before I was off on holiday and was mulling over all the stuff I had prepared. As I mentioned in a thread way back my best mate and I were doing a travelling holiday of driving around Europe...
  13. SilverSaloon

    How a can of mushy peas saved my holiday

    On Friday we were off to the highlands for a long weekend away. You can imagine my dismay when i discovered my rear exhaust backbox on the 124 estate split in half on Thursday night... the bit going into the rear box rusted off and was in 2 parts.... plus the outlet of the rear box was also...
  14. Londonscottish

    Driving holiday to the west coast of France?

    Hi there, As I am now the proud owner of an E500 I am experiencing an overridding desire to go on a driving holiday in France in July. I was thinking of driving from London to Folkstone, going through the Eurotunnel and then driving South/West for 5, 6 or or 7 hours. This would get me to the...
  15. C

    Goodwood track day, this bank holiday monday - amazing value!

    Last minute chance for a goodwood track day! Goodwood have had to cancel a day they were hosting on this bank holiday monday. It has now been offered to a friend of mine that co owns the Maser with me. Basically the cost is dependent on numbers, but if we get twenty people it will be £115...
  16. The Boss

    Have a Good Easter All!

    Ladies and gents. im flying out to Vegas (tomorrow) Thursday Morning till mid week next week. Thus sadly i shall prob not have access to my computer and as such would not be around for Easter, so what ever you shall be doing this Easter Holiday, have a good one! If i spot anything exciting in...
  17. C43AMG


    :D :D Off to Cape Town, Stellenbosch (wine country) then a long drive up the Garden Route. We have been before, last time a bit of a rush this time we will take it easy. speak to you when we get back.
  18. kraftwerk

    A few holiday snaps - 31 December

    Pity the Lake District weather on 31 Dec wasn't anywhere near as beautiful as it had been on 30 Dec (or, indeed, as it turned out on 1 Jan, when we stayed in bed all day), but we nevertheless were determined to get the top off the car, wrap up warm and head for the hills at 830am. Firstly, the...
  19. M

    Holiday motoring

    Got back from our 2 week holiday in France on Sunday. Car did a brilliant job. Totalled 1930 miles round trip, 29.8mpg overall and it was loaded to max weight. Only one minor malfunction [right hand rear number plate lamp, which cleared itself after 10 mins] and she didn't use any oil or skip...
  20. M

    My German holiday

    Last Christmas my brother gave me a present of a trip to Germany to include a visit to Stuttgart and the Mercedes museum, and a drive round the Nurburgring. It was redeemable in the Summer, and so the trip took place beween the 5th and the 11th July 2008. We drove to Dover to catch a ferry to...
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