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  1. M

    Water dripping from rain sensor

    Hi all When I bought my 320CDI I knew I had to have some rust and paint work done, not much but some. The worst was an area the size of a fist just above the windscreen in the middle. I got a new windscreen seal for the top and one of my friends got me a good deal for having the work done at...
  2. KillerHERTZ

    Please can someone with a fitted W202 Rain Sensor PM me

    Hi everyone, My windscreen has developed a crack which is getting larger by the day, I will need to get it replaced asap so I might aswell get the replacement with the OEM Rain sensor hole cut out. Please could someone with this factory fitted PM me as I will require the VIN number when...
  3. HB

    Rain X

    I take nearly everyone uses Rain X, it's great stuff. I first saw it in action on my Uncles Cessna pilot trainer when I was 16 in Miami. Been using it for the last 22 years and I'm surprised hardly anyone I speak to has heard of it.
  4. cabvw

    w210 drivers folding mirror inside rain cover

    Chaps i've need the inside black cover to protect the wiring from rain missing on my w210 folding drivers mirror. Hoping someone has one i can buy off then or a broken mirror they may have? Many thanks Cabw :D
  5. F

    rain water in engine bay

    I'm finding rain water on the forward engine underbody tray, after rain. But not on every occasion. That it rains. Do any of the drain tubes, discharge onto the tray. If not. Where is this water comeing from. This water sits across, the full width of the tray. The car is a w211 E320 (03)
  6. Deuchars25

    Engine losing power in rain, c270cdi. w203.

    Can someone please explain why my partners c270 seems to be missing and losing power when it rains. Its only when it rains, the engine stutters and the car slows down. This problem has only been happening since we had a new inlet manifold put on earlier in the year. Also sometimes when it's...
  7. M

    rain sensing wipers

    Hi, i just bought a 2006 c180 k classic Se from the MB dealer. I was told that it had rain sensing wipers. But it does not seem to. any ideas on weather this was a standard option ? Also any clues on how to check ? i have the wiper setting on intermittance and no change in the wiping speed in...
  8. C

    W208 430 Convertible Rain Sensor Wiring

    I've just had the windscreen replaced on my 2001 CLK 430 convertible, and the fitter managed to break the connector in half on the cable. I've got the replacement connector, and just want to check the wiring for the connector, i.e. which colour wire connects to what crimp socket?
  9. D

    Polished yesterday -Rain today!

    Waxed last night using Q Polish No8 again. Pleased with the ongoing results.
  10. nadeem

    W220 Rain Sensor

    Hi, had my windscreen replaced by autoglass, on position 1 the wipers are in continuous mode. Wipes screen even when dry, ag say they have replaced many mercs without issues. Their technician is coming out to check tomorrow, advised them it may need coding/calibrating to the new screen as per...
  11. R

    Rain Sensor on S320

    Hi, Soo... am out on the road and it starts to rain....wipers didnt come on automatically. How can i tell if my car has that rain sensor.....is there something to be set?? Plus my left wiper makes a scraping sound almost like it would if there was no rain on the windscreen.....the blades are...
  12. C43AMG

    Acid Rain Alert !!

    On the radio this morning. Rain on the way from the east in the next few days, something to do with the Birch trees over there which will have acid Rain :eek::eek:
  13. nigel cross

    w203 boot rain drain

    Looks like a bad design area to me. The boot gulleys are covered with a plastic cover which is getting filled with crud, any idea on how to clean these out, dont fancy blasting with pressure washer
  14. mercmanuk

    hd dvd's swordfish,the prestige,black rain

    hd dvd's the prestige still sealed swordfish and black rain watched once if you have not watched swordfish or black rain they are two of the best action films ever made"in my opinion " £10+ postage
  15. 350_Coupe

    Auto close windows in the rain ??

    Possible question for Alfie or Richard this one. whilst i was looking around for a C350 Coupe, i was wanting one with a panoramic roof... and seem to remember something about an option to close the roof automatically if it started raining. Now as it turns out, i got one without the...
  16. h17n dj

    W203 Rain sensor

    Evening all.... My mums got a 2005 "55" reg C220 CDI avantgarde with the sports pack upgrade.... i was just wondering if it should have rain sensing wipers or not??? its got auto lights and auto dimming rear view and drivers door mirrors but the wipers do not come on automatically.... there...
  17. S

    Retrofit Rain Sensor CLK350, W209, 2006, Cabriolet

    Hello, I have a CLK350, W209, 2006. Anyone that know how to retrofit Rain Sensor? I have some "optics" glued to the vindscreen but I don't know whether it's for rain sensor or for opening a garagedoor. I have 3 button on the rear mirror to operate the garage opener but I don't know if that...
  18. J

    Rain sensor defective

    Hello there folks, The rain sensor wind screen wipers on my 2003 C220 have developed a mind of thier own when they want to work. There is pretty much no intermitent function now and the juddering jumping blades on a dryish screen (you that drizzel stuff thats just in the middle of on or...
  19. James1976

    R129 leaking windscreen after heavy rain

    Hey all. just back from a long weekend away which was great, but what greeted me was not so great. Left the car at the airport with the hard top on whilst away - have come back and the damn drivers footwell is wet (not swimming in water, but not far off). :mad: It's damp on the right hand...
  20. R

    Wipers causing rain smearing

    Hi, My wipers cause the rain to smear across my winscreen which isn't the best for visibility!:doh: So what's the best way to clean - my wipers (Bosch bought in December) and my windscreen? Wipers - vinegar? Windscreen - Mr Muscle Window? - Toothpaste? - CIF Cream? - Cillit Bang? -...
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