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  1. D

    What happens if you machine polish a car 3 times.....

    Well today marks an end. I found myself machine polishing R2 for the 3rd time in two weeks. The results are amazing but it's time to stop! This is the last R2 detailing photo hopefully for a while. It's been fun though!!
  2. A

    320cdi start times

    Hi, Starting car in the morning, takes about 4 secs to start. All day it starts immediately. If car is not used for a week, takes about 6-7 secs to start. Glow plug comes on normally, and I begin to start once it goes out. Is this normal? Thanks
  3. G

    Standard Labour Times?

    Does anyone know where to find the standard labour times for individual work on MB vehicles? I'd like to know what time MB allocate to carry out an oil and filter change on my car - 09 E350 CDi although I'm sure many would appreciate a full breakdown if available somewhere Thanks for your help
  4. The Boss

    £25,500 - wow.. how times have changed

    and damn it was ugly then too.. but wow £25,500... im amazed maybe some one with more grey hairs can shed some light on the past for me
  5. grober

    Sunday Times new motoring website

    The Sunday Times has launched a new motoring website. Sunday Times Driving | Find premium used cars for sale in the UK
  6. D

    C Class lead times?

    Long story but the car I ordered back in May never actually got ordered, this is ok as i have changed spec to a polar sport plus estate with just panoramic roof and privacy glass as options. Anyone know roughly what the lead time is on something like that, i guess unlikely to exist in stock? As...
  7. Mr B.

    how many times do you clean your car

    how many times do you clean your Merc i clean mine three times a week thats wash and wax , and do the inside at lest twice a week:thumb::thumb:
  8. Borys

    Winter tyres saved me three times!!!!

    Yesterday was travelling thru Germany.Late night 3am,raining a bit keeping 90mph on cruize.Temp outside dropped to 1 degree,not worried at that stage.Suddenly I noticed a white cover on the road,literally ice!!!!!Seconds after three cars smashed fast lane,slow lane and carriage way...
  9. A

    How Many Times?

    I've lost count of the times this car has been up for sale. Mercedes - Benz 280SEL Classic Merc 1971 - Vietnamese Embassy car | eBay
  10. P

    How many times do you get your wheels balanced?

    Is it just me but every time i get new tyres fitted i ALWAYS have to go back to either the original fitter or another tyre place at least 3-4 times to get them balanced properly...........:dk:
  11. S

    Sad times for my beloved e220 w124

    Hi Sadly the time has come for me to reluctantly change car. With the arrival of my new daughter I am finding my saloon just isn't practical and I'm forced to look at a seven seater. However the problem lies with resale. I cannot justify having two cars. So she must go. However do I...
  12. artyman

    0-60 times

    Ever thought your 0-60 time was slow here's some for slower cars, you may need a calendar :D The world's slowest cars - Yahoo! Cars
  13. W

    Please post your 2nd gear 2000-6000rpm times

    This morning I did a few 2nd gear 2000-6000rpm runs. I repeated 4 or 5 times and found the results very repeatable, within 0.1s. This test is very easy and keeps you in the legal speed limit too. For comparison I read that a Mk1 MX5 1600cc can do 6.1s. I'm curious to know how other makes and...
  14. jim_bob567

    3 Times in one evening!!!

    3 seperate people told me I'd left my lights on last night, Does anyone else have this problem with the fog lights unlock/lock function? or is it just the people of derbyshire being "helpful!"
  15. L

    broken fan belt 4 times on 63 AMG

    Hello, first post here, been looking at the site for a few years. I need some advice if possible. I have searched the forum but can't find anything related. I hace 2008 ML63 AMG. I bought new. I am now on 44000 km. I had a few teething problems all covered by warranty. During this time the fan...
  16. markjay

    Jeremy Clarckson on the CL63 - Sunday Times / Ingear today

    Jeremy Clarckson writes about the CL63 in The Sunday Times today... The Sunday Times online is subscription-only so I can't post the link, but it makes an interesting read for those of you who do read The Sunday Times - and possibly also for those of you who are willing to Invest a small...
  17. N

    Sunday Times Rich List....

    ....is out tomorrow. Sunday Times Rich List 2010: Britain's richest see wealth rise by one third - Telegraph
  18. B

    Help I have to lock y 52 plate VITO 3 times

    I have to lock the drivers door ofmy 52 plate Vito manually, with the key. I then have to press the lock button of the remote 3 times to lock the van, I press oncem it locks and unlocks, I press a second time, it locks and unlocks, I press a third time and it locks and stays locked. This is...
  19. Mudster

    New E Class W212 Estate lead times

    I popped into my local dealer this afternoon (Lookers Redhill) as I'd just been in the pet store next door. More out of curiosity really to see when the new E Estate was going to appear in the showroom. Answer is March next year for the 4 cylinder models. I guess the injector problem has held...
  20. B

    loss of power some times

    can drive on the m,way on crusie control when i need to floor it no power falt as a witches tit its 320cdi it i stop turn off leave for a min it goes back to full power
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