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Have to agree with Spike on this. Detailing is not difficult - it is cleaning. Paint correction is not particularly difficult - with a DA polishing machine and the right selection of pads/polishes you can quite easily pick this up. There are even videos on the internet you can watch that show you how to do it.
So:A big bunch from the DW has come here telling us that £600 for 14hrs work is fine?!!
On your very own forum DW some members say that that price is a bit of rip off witch is what the OP was asking advice for but some of you just make your (addiction we might call it) such big deal
Some even compare it to years experience of training!!!!!!
So:A big bunch from the DW has come here telling us that £600 for 14hrs work is fine?!!
On your very own forum DW some members say that that price is a bit of rip off witch is what the OP was asking advice for but some of you just make your (addiction we might call it) such big deal
Some even compare it to years experience of training!!!!!!

The Detailing World lot just find it amusing that page after page can come across as arguing over whether 'Detailing' is worth it or not. Comes down to personal opinions at the end of the day. Yes it is an open forum but if people just want to say it isn't worth it then whats the point in having this Subject/Topic to post under questions and advice under?

I'll answer the OP's question if he hasn't run away from opening a can of worms!

Hi all,

was reading through some of the posts for DIY detailing. I have a black CLK 320 coupe (W209) and was recently quoted 600 big ones for a 14hour detail and paint correction using swissvax products.

Now, no doubt it will look the dogs danglies after he's finished with it, and he does give amazing results, it is still 500-600 quid on getting you car cleaned and paint work tarted up and protected.

Does it really need a 14hr professional touch to get these results or could I spend 30-40 quid on products in halfords and put the elbow work in myself without, needing all the fancy electric buffers, damaging the paintwork through being a tit and not knowing what i'm doing, or basically doing all that work for crap results?

Has anyone else been more than satisfied with their own results?



Only you know what you'd spend on getting the car looking good, a decent valet might be all thats needed but if you want the paint made 'pukka' if it were then it would be to be polished properly.

To get the 'Professional' Finish as some may call it you'd have to spend a lot more than 40-60£ and spend up to a full week doing it yourself if not experienced, it is hard work on the body believe it or not.

Polisher, £70-£400(Silverline to Festool(rotary)) £100ish for DA
Polish, menz sample pack at £25 would be enough to do the car.
Suitable cloths, £20-£30
Clay, £10
IPA, few quid to £10
Wax, anything from £20 - hundreds£££
then you've got the cleaners for general cleaning, plastic dressing, tyres, alloy sealant, glass polish etc... £££

So budget £200 - £500 if you want to do it yourself, or spend the same or a bit more paying someone to do it for you. Get a few quotes, don't just go with the first as everyone is different. A high price won't mean a good job nor does a low price mean a bad job.

sorry if any mistakes, ive had a few :bannana:
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There are plenty of barristers and doctors out there that dont make 600 in a week let alone 2 days work.

The end result should be perfect as should any service but 600 quid (actually i've heard of details costing three times that) is well over the odds for a job that needs no qualifications or training and can be finished in a day.

Sure there are some folks out there with money to burn who just dont care but for my money i can think for better ways of spending £600.

as for the suggestion of doing half half with a detailer and comparing.... thats missing the point a little since i really couldnt be ****d to put that much effort in.

i snow foam, i two bucket wash, i clay, i have a DA polisher and a whole pile of cleaners, polishes and expensive waxes. i love my car looking good but the absolute maximum time id put in getting it shipshape is about 3 hours. i simply couldnt spend more time on it yet I'm probably ten times more **** about my cars than average joe and wont let it anywhere near a car wash or a mechanics workshop but some of the stuff i see on DW is just so OTT that its bordering on insanity unless it is a show car or garage queen exotica.
There are plenty of barristers and doctors out there that dont make 600 in a week let alone 2 days work.

The end result should be perfect as should any service but 600 quid (actually i've heard of details costing three times that) is well over the odds for a job that needs no qualifications or training and can be finished in a day.

Sure there are some folks out there with money to burn who just dont care but for my money i can think for better ways of spending £600.

as for the suggestion of doing half half with a detailer and comparing.... thats missing the point a little since i really couldnt be ****d to put that much effort in.

i snow foam, i two bucket wash, i clay, i have a DA polisher and a whole pile of cleaners, polishes and expensive waxes. i love my car looking good but the absolute maximum time id put in getting it shipshape is about 3 hours. i simply couldnt spend more time on it yet I'm probably ten times more **** about my cars than average joe and wont let it anywhere near a car wash or a mechanics workshop but some of the stuff i see on DW is just so OTT that its bordering on insanity unless it is a show car or garage queen exotica.

Thats cool, you say you've got everything i.e polishes, DA polisher etc... but how much have you spent on all the equipment? Snow foam lance, pressure washer, two buckets, 'expensive' waxes and everything in between? Few hundred??

Most cars could get corrected in a long 12 hour+ day but it's hard on the body, as you should know if you've done it yourself. If YOU were a Detailer/Valeter, what would be happy charging for a hard days work??

Anything less than £150 and it would not be worth it surely considering product costs, tool costs yet alone time and health costs, VAT charges if you're in that band. You'd be charging to run a business, not to make someones car look pretty so everything would have to add up to make it viable.

You're saying its not skilled and anyone can do it. True. But anyone can do any job with a little self teaching or trial and error. Take plumbing for example. It is supposedly a skilled job and it can pay very well indeed but we had part of our plumbing spring a leak yet I, with NO plumbing experience what so ever got a new part, installed it and fixed the problem. You cannot single out Detailing from any another job and say it isn't skilled. Any job is about comman sense and having a little know how. The more you do the more you learn and the more skilled you become it is a fact.

Same goes for car mechanics, Charging from £45 - £120 per hour as you say mercedes charge. Now without offending Olly or anyone else, Mechanics is just about comman sense and undoing nuts and bolts, replacing a part and doing it back up. Anyone can do that. But it's where the experience comes into play that earns it's money. Without faffing around looking at other things a little experience can pin point a problem without the need for costly diagnostics etc... which means they can get more jobs though its doors because they've seen it all before and know what to do.

Sure qualifications mean something when you're applying for a job, but where do they come from? From learning and experiencing what ever it is you're learning otherwise you wouldn't know what to write in the exam correct? Detailing/valeting has to come from trial and error or one of the few detailing courses in the country, there is no official 'college' qualifications for it. But Autoglym and the like do their courses so you can 'learn' about how to use the products and what to do with them but you can do the same with almost any job. Everything is about learning, if you have an open mind you'll go far, if you don't then that is your problem.

You pay to have it done by someone else because it would cost about the same as buying all the gear yet they would know what they're doing and can do it in half the time or less.

It is all about money, time, and health costs.

Someone mentioned something about it is easy kid can do it. I'm only 23, yet I already suffer with back pains, maybe you could get an idea as to how much strain the body takes. Like I said before anyone can do almost any job, it just takes a bit of comman sense or a small helping hand in doing it properly. I say almost because work such as fine art, wood crafting, engraving etc... finds some people are naturally gifted and litterally 'born skilled'.
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We should all calm down a little.

Two groups of people love something enough to go on a forum and talk about it.

I just went over and had a look at DW. The thread related to this one is full of passion, the same way we would be about our cars.

It's a personal decision what you want to spend on your car and it's looks.

DW has some great advice, as do we, on our respective topics.

Leave it there i say.
Well said saorbust.

The difference between these forums is very minimal as both stem from a passion for cars.

Tbh I enjoy doing detailing my car but i also find that I get bored after about 3 hrs of cleaning. So instead of doing everything in one go I just alternate between others things to do on top of washing the car such as cleaning the interior or applying wax. I do under stand what you mean about no qualifications as there is no regulatory body however most detailers are on dw so you can view examples of their work before you decide to make that kind of outlay.

Detailing doesn't have to be expensive and I think most people are put of from the name as to me it seems kind of aloof compared to just "car valet" when all detailing really is just car cleaning but simply a bit more in depth.

If that merc was my car i wouldn't pay that kind of amount to get my paint professionally corrected, you can get decent results from picking up a few things from halfrauds. All you need is any shampoo, something to fill the swirls like autoglym super resin polish and some wax. Sum total about £30. Even cheaper if the have 3 for 2 on.
I spend huge amounts of time on different web forums. I am always most amused when one bunch of OCDs gets huffy about another bunch of OCDs for having OCDs that appear to be more O than their OCDs.

Some people I know will happily drop £600 on a bottle of wine for dinner but would do their shopping at Aldi.

I love the results of the detailing that was done to mine. I am quite happy paying someone else to do a job I haven't the time, skill or equipment to do, if I like the results. When I get my 02 back it will be detailed as it deserves it, as will my W124 when I get the car repaired. Then content in the knowledge the paintwork is as lustrous as possible and with all the goodness sealed in, I can happily give it a powerwash and a light polish without any investment in kit beyond a couple of buckets and two mittens.

Vive la difference!
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Just read the full thread on 'Detailing World'

I think what we've got to remember is that to a lot of them, this work is their livelihood so they are going to defend it to the death.

I genuinely do like to see a 'clean' car, and I think the irony of all this is that most people in this debate also like a 'clean' car, it's just that they prefer to do it theirselves.

I suppose my biggest gripe with all this is this talk of how much more your car will be worth after a 'detail'. I think it's a load of rubbish, but what do I know I only sell the things for a living....:rolleyes:

And I'll say this for the last time because it's becoming tedious now;
Good luck to all you car washers/valeters/detailers, doing what you do, I hope your businesses continue to flourish. :thumb:
Not to antagonise the situation but being from trade background for many years ive been there and seen it all. Now thats a typical statement from a trader. I deal with trade sellers that sell only bmw, range rover, mercedes etc with single owner, low mileage, full history and fully loaded, nothing less. They spend good money for quality of work. True, they are a minority but at the very least the car looks beyond typical trade sold vehicles and sell for a good pricetag with very happy clients now owning a quality finished vehicle.

:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

If you are coming on here just to flame people, it's getting a bit boring now.

I've made it pretty clear what I think, although it doesn't seem to sink in.
:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

If you are coming on here just to flame people, it's getting a bit boring now.

I've made it pretty clear what I think, although it doesn't seem to sink in.

Yes you have made it perfectly clear what you think. I do not understand why you expect it to "sink in". What you think is your opinion, it is an opinion, that is all, not right, not wrong but just an opinion. You do not have a monopoly on opinion, strange as it may seem, others have an opinion too, and most have just been voicing their opinions (the majority of which have been conducted with good grace and manners). Let's keep it that way and try not to antagonize.
Have to agree with Spike on this. Detailing is not difficult - it is cleaning. Paint correction is not particularly difficult - with a DA polishing machine and the right selection of pads/polishes you can quite easily pick this up. There are even videos on the internet you can watch that show you how to do it.

Buy the kit and have a go. Then come back and say it isn't difficult (and by doing so imply this isn't skilled.) In fact, skip the DA, go for a rotary and have a go at your own car. Post the details on here afterwards....good luck.

Detailing isn't "just cleaning."
You do not have a monopoly on opinion, strange as it may seem, others have an opinion too, and most have just been voicing their opinions (the majority of which have been conducted with good grace and manners). Let's keep it that way and try not to antagonize.

You say 'try not to antagonise' by starting off the sentence by antogonising me....:doh:

It's making me smile how in my posts I've said what a good job you 'detailers' do and all the rest, yet you & others choose to pick a fight over what I KNOW through my own experiences.

I understand that 'detailers' have to defend their job, and like I have said before; I like to take care of my own car and keep it clean. Yet no-one seems to want to take note of this. :confused:

Anyway, this is going round in circles now, a bit like my paintwork....:)
There are plenty of barristers and doctors out there that dont make 600 in a week let alone 2 days work.

The end result should be perfect as should any service but 600 quid (actually i've heard of details costing three times that) is well over the odds for a job that needs no qualifications or training and can be finished in a day.

Sure there are some folks out there with money to burn who just dont care but for my money i can think for better ways of spending £600.

as for the suggestion of doing half half with a detailer and comparing.... thats missing the point a little since i really couldnt be ****d to put that much effort in.

i snow foam, i two bucket wash, i clay, i have a DA polisher and a whole pile of cleaners, polishes and expensive waxes. i love my car looking good but the absolute maximum time id put in getting it shipshape is about 3 hours. i simply couldnt spend more time on it yet I'm probably ten times more **** about my cars than average joe and wont let it anywhere near a car wash or a mechanics workshop but some of the stuff i see on DW is just so OTT that its bordering on insanity unless it is a show car or garage queen exotica.

Show me a barrister or a lawyer who doesn't earn £600 a week.....I wouldn't want to use either!!
Do detailers work every day of the week?
So:A big bunch from the DW has come here telling us that £600 for 14hrs work is fine?!!
On your very own forum DW some members say that that price is a bit of rip off witch is what the OP was asking advice for but some of you just make your (addiction we might call it) such big deal
Some even compare it to years experience of training!!!!!!

£600 for 14 hours work is only £35 +vat per hour. Detailing IS skilled, no one can just pick up a rotary polisher (or a DA) and achieve the quality of results that these professional can. it DOES take years of experience and practice to get that good - I know, I trying....

We have choices. Some people choose to have their cars detailed - that's fine and if they are happy paying for the service that their business. Some people choose to have a hand/automatic car wash for £5 at the local drive through. When it comes to selling their cars the detailed one will be worth more and will sell much easier. It will also look far better for the whole of it's life than the normal one.

People don't understand detailing but put two identical 3 year old cars in front of them one of which has been detailed and one that hasn't and they will pick out the detailed one every time.

£35 +vat per hour is at the bottom end of the scale of charges from garages. The best detailers still only charge £75 +vat which is a lot less than our beloved dealerships.....
Only £75 + vat per hour!! lmfao!! You guys should be owning AMG's and 911's etc, not washing them!!

My local Mercedes dealer charges £85 + vat per hour (not that I use them) but that price includes a hell of a lot more overheads than what you guys have! It's not even a sensible comparison!
Only £75 + vat per hour!! lmfao!! You guys should be owning AMG's and 911's etc, not washing them!!

My local Mercedes dealer charges £85 + vat per hour (not that I use them) but that price includes a hell of a lot more overheads than what you guys have! It's not even a sensible comparison!

I did say the BEST detailers but quote me out of context if you makes you feel better.

If you dig around you'll find a job that a company called Miracle Detail did on a Phantom. I've never seen a car in such a bad state nevermind a £350k one, some people would have just had it resprayed. A factory quality respray on something like that would be a minimum of £20k, probably more. However, the car was restored to a condition that is probably better than a factory fresh RR (even though they do hand polish - one of the few manufacturers who do.) That took 80 hours to do and the owner paid £7k for the service. That is a lot of money but in comparison to the cost of a respray it's significantly better.

Oh, and where is your dealership because it's a lot cheaper than mine.....
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