Same here, I drove the previous model during my test drive, but naturally went for the newer model when it came to purchase.
My query has been passed over to the Mercedes rep, but alas I'm not expecting anything positive to come back from it.
As mentioned above, this problem really has knocked my desire to continue driving Mercedes cars in the future. That's not a dramatic online post for attention, but I genuinely will never purchase a car that performs this absolutely ridiculous function every time the car starts. If the car really has to do this (which I'm sure it doesn't), then make the bloody mechanism silent!
I'm not sure if anyone has noticed, but the 'fix' to 'calibrate' the camera doesn't seem to work in the dark, so with the nights drawing in it's going to be difficult to force the calibration. My god, the end of my agreement cannot come soon enough! Sadly, I only bought the car in July!