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A disregard for the safety of everyone.

Your kind of wrong.

it's 'legal' but theres a mountain of paperwork the teachers/parent/pupils (depending on age) have to fill it, it makes it much more easier to get on a coach.

yes i meant it should not be allowed unless a parent has signed it off.....
I have not responded to this thread before now, but will today from three angles. 1 from a police perspective, one from a driving instructors perspective and one from a level headed member of the public.

Because of my military, police and driving instructor training, I am one of those that actually does a full inspection of my own car every day. It takes me 5 minutes to visually walk around the car in the morning checking all lights, followed by recording the tyre depth for each tyre and the pressure of each too. I also chcek oil, water and washer fluids. It is in my interest because of my job not to have a defective car, but it is equally for my own economic driving, safety and reassurenace that everything is ok. How many times have you run out of washer fluid on a motorway JUST when you really need it?

Would I expect everyone to do the same? No. Of course not. But a simple weekly check of the same level would avoid this and many similar situations arising. Having said that, how do we know this driver didn't have their good wheels swapped by a criminal who had bald tyres? Assumption is always a problem, so even though the likelihood is that the driver/owner must be accountable, unless they actually drive it on the public highway in that condition, no offence has been commited. If they had checked their tyres that morning and someone had changed them, would they be aware? I don't recheck my tyres after I buy the morning paper or before I drive home again at night, other than a quick glance for flat tyres or car park damage.

For all we know, they were aware and had put an old wheel on and taken a taxi to get a replacement!

As a driving instructor I can tell you a little more about the show me - tell me situation. Even if a pupil gets both questions completely wrong, eg 'I don't know and I don't care either' type atitude, they will not fail the test on that basis alone. The can pick up a maximum of one driver fault for that and unless they get another 14 on their test, or a serious/dangerous fault, they can still pass. So, the element is worthless in that respect. Plus pupils learning where the oil goes on their instructors Corsa will not help when they buy a Fiesta. Most teenagers are too lazy to ever bother with such trivia anyway. (I know, I have two!)

From a sensible member of the public perspective, I would have left a note on the windscreen advising the owner of the illegal and dangerous tyre and left it at that.

A police officer would not do that (other hat). One would have to speak with the owner once aware. Imagaine the scenario of doing nothing and this vehicle then being involved in a fatal RTC. When you can make a difference you should. It doesn't have to be a penalty and peoples reactions will often tell you they were unaware and will do something immediately. The owner was probably blissfully unaware. Some will take the note, think OMG! and go straight to kWIK fit or similar. Others will discard it with a calous 'MYOB' attitude. We will not know which until it happens.

However, what I would not do in any capacity is tell the headmaster. That then becomes involving a party who has no actual need to be involved. It could only serve to cause trouble. Yes, the driver should be aware, but a note would do that. What is the point of potentially causing them problems at work?

Soapbox away. Waiting for flack......

For the record.

I didn't know it was the Highmaster I spoke to about the poor state of the tyres. It was something I mentioned to the next person passing along. The was no "Please Sir" about it. I pointed out (in as casual a way as I could) that the tyres looked worse for wear. It could have been a caretaker, a cleaner, a teacher that I spoke to... Someone had to get the message to the owner of the car..

I can recall a friends sister taking my daughter to birthday parties etc, and remember watching the Ford Focus pulling away from my house on several occasions. Subconsciously, I'd think "hope they get there safely".
It transpired that the lady driving my daughter around was a hardcore herion user and her boyfriend was part of some sort of "gang". We'd never suspect this. The difference is, though, the drug user would be at a risk of having an accident if they were under the influence. The PT Cruiser driver would be at risk of having an accident at all times.

Another point to consider is if a third party used the car with the poor tyres (perhaps even a car thief) only to discover to their/others peril that the car didn't grip the road surface as expected.

I don't carry post-it notes with me so that wasn't an option. However, if I had put a post-it note on the windscreen, every person passing the car would be able to read it. Like a public announcement really...

I have no compunction about my actions and if what I did averted harm or financial loss to the driver or others, then I am truly cheered by that.
Paul I agree with all you have said.

BFJ, I think it strange that you would not have said anything, but would have left a note.
Paul I agree with all you have said.

BFJ, I think it strange that you would not have said anything, but would have left a note.

Who would I have said anything to? The car was parked on its own without a driver. A simple note (I never said post it notes BTW) on the windscreen would have brought it to their attention. What is strange about that? The tyre was bad but I can assure you I have come across much worse.
Another option would have been to stick a knife in the dangerous and illegal tyres - thus preventing them ever being driven on again :devil:
On another note... been to see some commercial properties today. The estate agents sent a young lad in fashionable suit, driving a manual (company) car with an iPhone GPS on his knee. Dangerous, but also his employer will be in big trouble if he does run over someone... pure madness.
I have to admit to having had a blow out the other day due to worn joints on my rear suspension arms.
On a motorway at night, all good fun.
It was only when I removed the wheel that I saw that both rears had been travelling on about 2 cm of the inside edge. I had checked the tyres and the rest of it was almost perfect.
But on some of these examples it is so blatantly obvious that there is no excuse.
Also , if the teacher ever happens to take pupils anywhere in the car , their safety is the responsibility of the school .

When I was at school , I and others were taken on visits to universities etc in teachers' cars , so it can happen .

This does not happen now H&S, Child Protection, Insurance etc etc has put a stop to it.
You might think not , but apparently it can still happen .

Finistere posted something similar as well .

My wife works at a primary school and quite regularly staff have to take kids in their own vehicles to get to swimming or whatever depending on numbers and whether its appropriate to hire a minibus or not.

I suppose one should have specific insurance for this but I'm pretty sure my wife doesn't - suspect the other staff don't either, nor the school.

I must tackle her on it really and get her to check the law/policy details.
My wife works at a primary school and quite regularly staff have to take kids in their own vehicles to get to swimming or whatever depending on numbers and whether its appropriate to hire a minibus or not.

I suppose one should have specific insurance for this but I'm pretty sure my wife doesn't - suspect the other staff don't either, nor the school.

I must tackle her on it really and get her to check the law/policy details.

Please let me know the outcome as mine is in the same situation. Thanks.

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