2 bad experiences with them, 1st was when I met my wife, the 1st month we were together she completely totalled her 206, long story short.... They didn't pay out a penny as her policy(taken out 9 months previous) stated her and her last boyfriend where living together and she now was not!!!! Took the car (4500 worth) and crushed it/scrapped it, then it was our fault??? Second is another long story, short version I watched someone reverse into my car, crack the numberplate and sped off. I rang them for advise on finding the woman, out of anger, there was no damage, just a cracked number plate, before stating who I was I asked if the particular situation would effect my NCB "of course not, we require your details so when we find the offender we can take things further"........ Lost our NCB at renewal, their argument was they had "lost" the phone call in which it stated it would not effect it. And it's a recorded "incident" regardless of damage amount. Cancelled it, when they sent out our NCB, it was down by 2 YEARS! And it stated an "incident" was reported. Lunatics