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All comes together next week!


MB Enthusiast
Apr 10, 2004
Ulrome, Driffield, East Yorkshire.
An SLK R171 with lots of toys and a Golf Plus for fishing.
I simply had to share this, sorry :o

Just took a phone call from my Dealer. Some guys, or gals, or machines?, will be busy with spanners and bits of metal and leather next week putting together my new baby. It ought to be here the back end of July which I know is close to 1st September but hey!!!, the sun is shining so I want it and I want it NOW!!!!

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portzy said:
I simply had to share this, sorry :o

Just took a phone call from my Dealer. Some guys, or gals, or machines?, will be busy with spanners and bits of metal and leather next week putting together my new baby. It ought to be here the back end of July which I know is close to 1st September but hey!!!, the sun is shining so I want it and I want it NOW!!!!


Isnt next week the big bank holiday week in the factory with all the beer sampling and things?

only messing ..... :D
portzy said:
I simply had to share this, sorry :o

Just took a phone call from my Dealer. Some guys, or gals, or machines?, will be busy with spanners and bits of metal and leather next week putting together my new baby. It ought to be here the back end of July which I know is close to 1st September but hey!!!, the sun is shining so I want it and I want it NOW!!!!


Knowing this sort of info makes it that bit more special :bannana:
Dave its almost here, I can even smell the leather.

gary350 said:
Dave its almost here, I can even smell the leather.


Are you sure thats the leather :eek: Butterflies in the stomach can also smell like that :o at times like this, especially when "I want it now" ;)

fantastic - can't wait to see it :D
Pear shaped or what?

Today I went to my dealer fully expecting to hand over a sizeable amount of dosh when, catching a glimpse of the final invoice, I suddenly think I have been given a discount!. Hmmmm, not quite as first appeared. The car is finished and ready (must have been built last week?), on the boat, on its way but, minus COMAND :( .

Its been missed off the spec sheet at this end so, not being one to throw my toys out of the pram I just became all philosofical (?), dealer and I ponder where to go from here. Fair do's, he says he would not be happy if I was anything else but 100% happy and offered either to retrofit COMAND or pull some strings and get me another SLK 280, specced properly, in another six to eight weeks which, btw, is round about when I anticipated it to be, given the extent of the waiting list. I did actually leapfrog someone else who they could not contact at the time.

I'm none too keen on having the dash out, and lord knows what else, on a brand new car so I have opted to start again. I'm writing this with a neutral mind at present, I'm sure I'll 'go off on one' in a while!!!!

Do you think I have done the right thing?. There was no argie bargie btw, just a very honest apology and the offer to start again which, in this day and age, is rare dont you think.

If anyone wants a well specced SLK 280 but minus COMAND I know where there is one ;) :rolleyes:

You are doing the right thing, wait for a replacement.It's not worth making a fuss, you'll only get stressed.Just make sure the dealer appreciates your attitude.(Might get you some favours). ;)
Try and get a loaner of them until ur new car arrives or an SLK to play with for just a week or somethign as goodwill with their insurance... Stay calm with Stealer (if its the Harrogate lot then they have been good to u and u do not want to ruin the relationship...

Had a Stelaer smash a brand CLK cab on PDI test drive and they even tried to repair the car and offer it back to us - we did not take any of it and they had a bad attitude - things got out of hand with exchange of words/temper and we got escorted off the premises when tempers flared... but got one over the stealer... hence the 645I cab...
If you go for a new car, why not collect it from the factory? It's a fantastic trip and a brilliant start to your ownership "experience". Having done it once, I would always collect if possible.

Fearing your nightmare scenario, though, I did read and re-read my invoice about a hundred times before getting on the plane out to Germany.

prprandall51 said:
If you go for a new car, why not collect it from the factory? It's a fantastic trip and a brilliant start to your ownership "experience". Having done it once, I would always collect if possible.

Fearing your nightmare scenario, though, I did read and re-read my invoice about a hundred times before getting on the plane out to Germany.


Porzty has very valid reasons for not doing the pick-up so it will be from the dealer ;)

D - sorry to hear this - but if you get the overall outcome you want then that's OK ;)
pammy said:
Porzty has very valid reasons for not doing the pick-up so it will be from the dealer ;)


Confiscated passport?
Wanted in one of the the four countries on his route back?

The mind boggles. :eek:
portzy said:
Do you think I have done the right thing?. There was no argie bargie btw, just a very honest apology and the offer to start again which, in this day and age, is rare dont you think.


Sorry to hear about your bad news ,you are doing the right thing IMHO,When the new baby arrives it will be right on the button,Because it will be all there, and put together at the factory and not messed with at the dealers. :)

Thanks for that guys and gals. It makes me feel that I have made the right descision, its amazing how a situation becomes less of a nightmare if you share it.

I rang them yesterday, the dealers that is not the Samaritans!, and they had read my mind / pulled a few favours in / and got me another build slot for early August so, roll on September one.

portzy said:
I simply had to share this, sorry :o

Just took a phone call from my Dealer. Some guys, or gals, or machines?, will be busy with spanners and bits of metal and leather next week putting together my new baby. It ought to be here the back end of July which I know is close to 1st September but hey!!!, the sun is shining so I want it and I want it NOW!!!!


And I just have to share this. I got a phone call from said dealer last night. Conversation went something like:

MB "Hi Pam, just a curtesy call to check all is well with your MB" etc etc

P " Yes, everything's fine, love it to bits, have a ball with it"

MB "Have you given any thought to when you're likely to want to replace it?"

P "Mmm - of sorts, but I'm so happy with it I don't really think I'm looking to do anything in the immediate future, but I do like the look of the new one and have had a little play"

MB "WHat engine do you have?"

P "the 320, and I love it, very sporting"

Mb "That's a great way of describing it, I like that. I wonder of you might be interested in the new 280. It's a terrific engine and you'd like it wuth great economy too. (not the way I drive I interjected) We have a new one due now that we could look to do something on" started to give the spec of said car, but before he got past 280....

P "Yeah, I know you have, and I know who's car it was and what the spec is and why it's available"

MB "Oh you do" puzzled tone to voice

P "Yes, it was Mr Portz and you got the spec wrong on your order" with a giggle in her tone

MB "Crikey - the jungle drums have been beating then"

Yup - by now you've well guessed it - they were offering me Portzy's car :D :D .

We had a real good giggle about it and I just had to share :D They are a lovely dealership and I was very wicked but loved the deflation in his voice when I told him I knew all about the car. Just great :D
pammy said:
And I just have to share this. I got a phone call from said dealer last night. Conversation went something like:

MB "Hi Pam, just a curtesy call to check all is well with your MB" etc etc

P " Yes, everything's fine, love it to bits, have a ball with it"

MB "Have you given any thought to when you're likely to want to replace it?"

P "Mmm - of sorts, but I'm so happy with it I don't really think I'm looking to do anything in the immediate future, but I do like the look of the new one and have had a little play"

MB "WHat engine do you have?"

P "the 320, and I love it, very sporting"

Mb "That's a great way of describing it, I like that. I wonder of you might be interested in the new 280. It's a terrific engine and you'd like it wuth great economy too. (not the way I drive I interjected) We have a new one due now that we could look to do something on" started to give the spec of said car, but before he got past 280....

P "Yeah, I know you have, and I know who's car it was and what the spec is and why it's available"

MB "Oh you do" puzzled tone to voice

P "Yes, it was Mr Portz and you got the spec wrong on your order" with a giggle in her tone

MB "Crikey - the jungle drums have been beating then"

Yup - by now you've well guessed it - they were offering me Portzy's car :D :D .

We had a real good giggle about it and I just had to share :D They are a lovely dealership and I was very wicked but loved the deflation in his voice when I told him I knew all about the car. Just great :D

Go on ;) get them to throw in comand :)

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