Hi-Ho Silver
Active Member
You are legally allowed to film anything in a public place without first obtaining consent. This includes children, adults, people going about their daily lives, vandals, the Police.... anything and anyone in a public place can capture images of anything without requiring permission. If asked, requested, told or threatened to stop filming, photographing or simply being in an area, you also have the right to move freely and without obstruction unless you have committed a crime, in which case the exact crime and law must be explained until you understand it.
or to look at it another way, do you sign a release form every time a shop CCTV records you? And that's a private space!
If you choose to entangle yourselves in the 'what could be construed as...' arguments, you're going to find what you're looking for.
Maplins probably do a fairly good CCTV setup which could be easily adapted to fit in your car.
or to look at it another way, do you sign a release form every time a shop CCTV records you? And that's a private space!
If you choose to entangle yourselves in the 'what could be construed as...' arguments, you're going to find what you're looking for.
Maplins probably do a fairly good CCTV setup which could be easily adapted to fit in your car.