<div class="bbWrapper">Nonetheless though Grober, F1's presence does give a signal to those that would miss what goes on with <i>our</i> Queen and does legitimise to a degree the Bahraini regimes stance. All this to a very wide predominately western audience which can only be viewed by others as further western indifference to the plight of those ruled by oppressive dictators despite the west's advocacy of democracy for all.<br />
The proper thing to do in my opinion is to withdraw F1 participation in countries where oppression occurs, whether on moral grounds or the fudge of safety concerns. <br />
Put another way: barbarians do not deserve the best the west has to offer. Perhaps if they ran their countries better <i>they</i> would have developed a world leading sport - but they didn't. All they have is money to buy it - crass.</div>