young drivers
It is true most young drivers in high powered cars can be tits, i am only a whipper snapper myself but at the age of 21 i built myself a kitcar with a sierra cosworth turbo motor in it with 300bhp and no weight(working every friday and sat night in a nightclub for two years am now manager!).
I am now 24 the car is even more powerful and im still alive, what happens is some young bloke with a minor interest in cars gets a good job decideds a M3 is a classy car to own (give me a c36 anyday)(we all know different dont we!! MB all the way) shows off to all his mates at how fast and how well he can drive it then crashed through someones house.
Now if he'd spent more time driving his M3 rather than playing golf (no disrespect to golf) he probably wouldnt have ended up killing someones house and sending insurance premiums up by a million % for young drivers it really annoys me that anyone can just go out and buy a stupidly high powered car and expect to be able to control it. the idea of driving courses for anything over 200bhp is a fantastic idea would stop alot of stupid drivers out there.
Still some corsa boy in his 1.6 gsthingy could still have ended up in the side of the house, you'd probably have seen all the bits of plastic he stuck on it on the lawn though as they fell off through mid air.
(Rant about boy racers over)