I might be the odd one out here but with respect if you managed to get out then he hasn’t completely boxed you in otherwise you would still be stuck there.
Yes he’s guilty of inconsiderate parking and yes it is frustrating but if it was only a one off you would have been better having a rant to yourself and left it at that.
By writing the c word on his windscreen you are now in the lap of the gods. You could have potentially taken the situation to the next level with regards to the temperament of the owner.
Let’s just hope he accepts his punishment ie. the c word and that he doesn’t decide to take it out on your car.
This is how road rage starts or as in this case parking rage and we all know how this can escalate.
I think you have over reacted in this instance.
Now if I was in your shoes what we do up north is first of all slash all of his / her tyres and then practice one or two swings of the baseball bat (which I keep in the boot by the way) on the Fiats windows.