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C32 on reduced power


Active Member
Jul 8, 2009
near Derby
This has been a on going issue...

When I accelerate hard I get a loss of power at about 100. car pulls fine upto that point and then just sits at that speed and engine revs, accelerator pedal does nothing. cars sounds like a slipping clutch, all noise but no go.

first point of call, the IC pump. I replaced it three months ago with a johnsons pump. Took the car to merc who STARed it and said it's the IC pump. swapped the Johnsons pump for this one: AVT/Bosch Ford Focus RS Upgrade Chargecooler Pump Ford Focus RS Chargecooler / Intercooler Pump [CCPUMPFocus RS] - £89.99 : AVT | PWR Chargecooler Systems | Water to Air Intercooler

which is a straight swap. took the car for a test and fook me if it still does the same damn fault, ok cruising around but under heavy acceleration reduced power.

In fact if I accelerate slowly I can get the car very north of 100.

I think I can rule out the IC pump as the fault.

Suggestions please!
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Not meaning at all to sound like a know all at all, when I got my C32, I did a BIG service to get it all tickety-boo, and "press the reset button" as far as I was concerned. All fluids, and filters etc, and as a common culprit for many faults, I also asked the MB dealer for the MAF sensor too, and was told the C32 doesn't have one.... I was surprised, as I thought it would need one, but perhaps it can look at airbox ambient air pressure and temp, and knowing the charge of the blower plus RPM, it calculates itself? Sounded like a long shot, but it was all I could think of. Made me thing a pulley change would make it run lean.. I have left well alone in that aspect.

Back on topic, if it feels like it's slipping is it possible the tranny is low on fluid?
Does the system self bleed? If not did you bleed the system after changing the pump? Do you have a data logger so you can see the IAT's?
i am a million miles from an guru on these cars, but this seems like a simple issue (potentially).

1, they don't have a maf, they use MAP.

2 charge gets too hot and the supercharger clutch disengages = bugger all power. Test boost, you can pull it up on a phone using a bluetooth obd if your boost is shutting down then you have your fault.
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Thanks for the replies. As far as I'm aware the system is self bleeding and all I had to do was a 1L top up as I swapped the pump under vacum.

The transmission seems fine, no jerk at change up or down, full auto or via the stick. smooth as a babies bum!

I think the fault is a dodgy sensor. car pulls like a train driving around normally. I know what to look out for when the IC pump fails as the car drives like a NA, the acceleration isn't as brutal (normally my sun roof blind always slids back when I give it some beans!)

Been back to merc who say the MAF sensor is around £250 to replace.

Car goes in wednesday, we'll see what they find...
i am a million miles from an guru on these cars, but this seems like a simple issue (potentially).

1, they don't have a maf, they use MAP.

2 charge gets too hot and the supercharger clutch disengages = bugger all power. Test boost, you can pull it up on a phone using a bluetooth obd if your boost is shutting down then you have your fault.

You won't necessarily notice if the ecu is attempting to correct before supercharger shutdown. From what I understand the C32 is similar to the E55 so before shut down the ECU will pull the timing and increase short term fuel trim in an attempt to cool the cylinders.

Either way best thing is to monitor the IAT, Fuel, Timing and as you say boost pressure.
Thanks for the replies. As far as I'm aware the system is self bleeding and all I had to do was a 1L top up as I swapped the pump under vacum.

The transmission seems fine, no jerk at change up or down, full auto or via the stick. smooth as a babies bum!

I think the fault is a dodgy sensor. car pulls like a train driving around normally. I know what to look out for when the IC pump fails as the car drives like a NA, the acceleration isn't as brutal (normally my sun roof blind always slids back when I give it some beans!)

Been back to merc who say the MAF sensor is around £250 to replace.

Car goes in wednesday, we'll see what they find...

These cars don't have a MAF chap, are they replacing the MAP sensor?
Well, cars been to benz and...

STAR says it's the IC pump. intercooler temp to high...again, but that doesn't seem right to me.

Benz want to order another pump and try that. I told them the IC pump on the car is only 5 days old and by the way the car drives, that's fine.

So the car is booked in for them to play with it properly for a couple of hours next friday. they want to look for a blockage.

I did ask whether the incorrect anti freeze mix could affect the car. When I replaced the last pump I topped up the bottle. I'm right in saying that if the mix is too rich the heat transfer won't work as well. could this cause a fault?
Talking about cars in the pub (as you do) and a mate of mine said it sounded like a air flow problem not cooling. He suggested I ran the car with no filters, that should eliminate if it's a air flow fault or not. So I did, just to see what happens...

I removed the filters...


Car was serviced just over 4k miles ago by benz, on a B service almost a year ago. I'm right in thinking that these should have been replaced?

With no filters, no problems. Car went like a rocket.

speaking to merc in the morning.
Been to benz and the air box filters are a extra item, not included in any service. All benz do is a visual check.

Ordered two new filters from benz £50.


I have same same problem with my car .. . I tried to find a solution for the car for over 1 month .I will check in the morning the air filters.
I already ordered a new IC pump and a secondary air pump . Will be on the car this week . I will keep you posted .
...please do. New filters have done the trick for me hope it's a easy fix for you.

Still find it hard to understand how this isn't a item to be swapped on a service but an extra to be "inspected" on a service...
It doesn't look like they have been "inspected" for a few services!
These are my 32's filters which also don't seem to have ever been inspected! Easy enough to change though! I've not seen filters get this dirty before! I don't think they had ever been changed!


thought mine were bad!
It will be interesting to see whether the filters and plugs make a huge difference next time its on a dyno...it ran 326hp at the fly with the old ones so who knows..may hit stock level now lol
I might have to check mine now... Are they easy to get to? Any tips?
Very easy...undo about 8 torq fixings on each airbox lid, pull lid up...slide out panel filter then slide in the new one and do up the fixings. I got my filters from eurocarparts which are considerably cheeper than merc! Or you could go for an after market filter bit i couldn't be bothered!

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