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C43 Sunroof Rust.

well and truly busted is the term i believe...

that sucks about your car, from rust to dust, its not nice to see people misappropriately using your car behind your back, especially when they say they're looking after it to your face.

good luck with the manager!
gutted for u peter, lets hope they sort it out pronto!
When they do call you to tell you it is ready tell them you are busy and you will call them back, then don't, give them a taste of their own medicine.
Sorry to hear about your issues Peter.

Why do you think that some time back another "happy customer" decided to drive his car though the front of the Brentford dealership ??

I've yet to use a MB dealership where I can say that I have been truly happy with the type of service that is provided. MB have been famous for really poor customer service and obviously not a lot has changed.

I have never been able to understand why one of the top prestige manufacturers has been able to get away with poor customer service for soo long.
Absolutely disgraceful!!!!!!!!!

I am more than happy to use good indies on this forum instead.
Absolutely disgraceful!!!!!!!!!

I am more than happy to use good indies on this forum instead.

It's just unfortunate that Brentford had to be involved in the first place and that is the only MB body shop in the UK, so much for good will. If only i didn't live in there catchment area, then i would have used Vanleigh who i have used for many years and who treat you and your car with respect.

Many thanks for your kind words.
I have suggested that Mr Quality & Progress Controller be retrained, who is definitely off my Christmas card list.

Unfortunately i had to work on Monday so i did not see the Body Shop Manager, i did try and phone him, left messages no reply. On the same tablets as Mr Progress. I did speak to the Parts Manager and managed to find out exactly what was going on. The date of September 1st for delivery as i thought was a non starter, it's what he called a Electronic request for the headlining. He said he was going down the Human route yesterday, (I wished him luck as the Humans at Brentford might as well have been Electronic !!) to get a definitive answer on whether one does exist and that he would get back to me today, i thought here we go again. True to his word he phoned me this morning and told me there was not one to be had anywhere. He had spoken to Milton Keynes who in turn had spoken with Germany.

So MB are having to have one manufactured in Germany, how long that will be who knows. The Parts Manager said after a long pause a few weeks, which means months, Christmas time, if I'm lucky. I will get the car put back together so it can come home and then wait.

I am still waiting for the Body Shop Manager to call me and let me know what is happening, maybe he should be retrained as well. I feel a letter coming on, i don't suppose that will make any difference to there lack of Customer Service.
I have suggested that Mr Quality & Progress Controller be retrained, who is definitely off my Christmas card list.

Unfortunately i had to work on Monday so i did not see the Body Shop Manager, i did try and phone him, left messages no reply. On the same tablets as Mr Progress. I did speak to the Parts Manager and managed to find out exactly what was going on. The date of September 1st for delivery as i thought was a non starter, it's what he called a Electronic request for the headlining. He said he was going down the Human route yesterday, (I wished him luck as the Humans at Brentford might as well have been Electronic !!) to get a definitive answer on whether one does exist and that he would get back to me today, i thought here we go again. True to his word he phoned me this morning and told me there was not one to be had anywhere. He had spoken to Milton Keynes who in turn had spoken with Germany.

So MB are having to have one manufactured in Germany, how long that will be who knows. The Parts Manager said after a long pause a few weeks, which means months, Christmas time, if I'm lucky. I will get the car put back together so it can come home and then wait.

I am still waiting for the Body Shop Manager to call me and let me know what is happening, maybe he should be retrained as well. I feel a letter coming on, i don't suppose that will make any difference to there lack of Customer Service.

they should loan you an AMG while you are waiting.
It would be a lot better than tis new C-Class 180 KOM. A C63 would be OK.
I feel for you Peter. Must be so annoying. The fact they damaged it is one thing which I guess we can sort of tolerate, as we are all human and we all make mistakes. But the way thay have gone on from there beggars belief. I had a similar experience with a BMW dealer in Thames Ditton once so MB are not alone.
The Saga continues. I asked the Body Shop Manager to phone me today to let me know what time to pick the car up tomorrow.

At 11.45 this morning i got a call from Mr (I don't know what to call him today, Quality or Progress) still Mr Progress i think. We have a problem (Houston Again ) Sir, not Peter not even Mr, Sir . When you came to look at your car last Thursday did you happen to take the Number Plates off your car ? All i can say is, it is a good job i had client's in the car. I very calmly said what a very stupid question and know i did not. I said I could not talk to him now, but to inform his Manager that i would be at the body shop within the hour to see him.

Well the Number plates had been stolen from the car last night. The Manager could not understand how that happened as they have 24 hour Security and was waiting for there report. I asked if he had reported the incident to the Police, not yet, it beggars belief.

I pointed out that the plates that where on the car where bought from Halfords. The Rear Plate had a Carbon backing plate and the numbers and letters where also in Carbon .

He said he had new plates made up on the premises and they where all-ready on the car ( which i saw on the way out, they had Mercedes Benz Brentford :o and a Euro Star :o stamped on them :ban:, can you imagine me wanting to advertise MB Brentford let alone those Stars) i said my Partner would want what was on there originally as she specially chose them. Plus they take a week to order. He said go ahead and order them and he would reimburse me, very nice of him. Which means the inconvenience of of making two trips etc etc, it's all to much of a pain and i sure you are all bored with it as well.

With all of the inconvenience what goodwill should i ask for. Free next Service maybe ?, what do you think.
With all of the inconvenience what goodwill should i ask for. Free next Service maybe ?, what do you think.

The bodyshop manager's head on a silver platter might just suffice.
With all of the inconvenience what goodwill should i ask for.

C63 AMG loan car .. now, please :)
Oh dear, sorry to hear of all your woes. This doesn't bode well for my upcoming rust claim, which MB Brentford will be doing! When I was there with my car last week, it all appeared a bit shambolic - seems I was right! Kick some a** and tell them to sort it asap!
I suppose workshop accidents do happen Peter, however the aftermath is turning into a soap opera of total incompetence. I personally would e-mail Milton Keynes explaining what has happened adding a link to this thread. The service from main dealers is now woeful and getting worse than ever. How do MB expect to keep loyal customers when this sort of thing is going on?
Beats me.......

Good luck mate, I hope you get it sorted to your satisfaction sooner rather than later
I think we live in a (don't give a dam for customer relations) I think they are all the same.

My daughter has a Peugeot 206 which is her pride and joy she really looks after it,she had a problem where it would cut out on her and it got worse the longer it went on in the end she had to have it transported back from Plymouth to Bristol.

It went to the main dealer and they had it for 3 weeks saying it is fine now she went to collect it and got about 2 miles down the road and it did the same so they had to come and pick it up.

This went on for 4 weeks and twice more she collected it and the fault was still there,after 5 weeks they finaly finished it with a bill for £2100. plus a filthy car inside and out and the service was appaling and it is a waste of time going to see them because all you get as you have found out with your Mercedes is pathetic excuses.

Norman :dk:

Well since we picked the car up on the 28 September we have had numerous phone calls, going back and forth mainly forth, as they still are afraid of picking up the phone. Saying this date and then that date, i told the manager that i wanted a definitive answer by yesterday and he did phone me, i nearly fell off my chair.

He told me that Germany could not give a positive date and that he would have a trimming company supply a new headlining. The car is being piked up tomorrow to go back to Brentford :eek: :eek: so there trimmer can look at what needs to be done, then we will go and choose a new headlining. Lets hope there trimmer is more competent than there body shop.

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