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COMAND Settings menu

This is for COMAND APS isn't it? I've I tried it on 2.5 and it didn't work anyway.
What I posted was for comand 2 and Comand 2.5 alledgedly.
Just tried it on my COMAND - comes up with the menu, etc, but nothings seems to change.

I assume it's like the rest of COMAND - scroll up and down the list and then press "OK", and the press the "Back" softkey to exit.

Unless the change is very, very subtle.....
Which COMAND do you have? What menu do you get? Pics please.
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Here is a brief extract of what I posted. Finding this infornation is much easier in the US so you will see references to MBUSA. This is however a Service Bulletin from Mercedes-Benz that is circulkated World-Wide

Be advised that changing the settings on the COMAND head unit or any other component can only
occur when a user deliberately and manually enters a certain number sequence or combination on the head unit and proceeds to alter specified settings for each model vehicle.

• There are many sources of information that provide such unapproved methods to change parameters in the system. These sources are not affiliated nor supported in any method by MBUSA or any of its affiliates.
• Please be aware that if the instructions below did not succeed to recover correct functionality and operation of the head unit, then the head unit MUST BE replaced.
• Cost of work and replacement of the head unit will be charged to the customer.
Just tried it on my COMAND - comes up with the menu, etc, but nothings seems to change.

I assume it's like the rest of COMAND - scroll up and down the list and then press "OK", and the press the "Back" softkey to exit.

Unless the change is very, very subtle.....

A-ha..... when I went out later, it had changed!

As to which COMAND - I don't know, I just ticked the box...
Hi Glojo, sorry to address you like this but I have read all your information about the command module, starting way back when. I am having a problem with mine, SLK 171, that MB deny is a problem saying they have updated it with the latest disk, it reads V 8 maps without a problem, but still allows access to the engineering menu, no ETA on screen nor does it show traffic jams on the correct side of the road, but it does play MP3 disks. In the engineering section it states, Tuesday Nov 23 – 48/2004. Any ideas?
Hi Glojo, sorry to address you like this but I have read all your information about the command module, starting way back when. I am having a problem with mine, SLK 171, that MB deny is a problem saying they have updated it with the latest disk, it reads V 8 maps without a problem, but still allows access to the engineering menu, no ETA on screen nor does it show traffic jams on the correct side of the road, but it does play MP3 disks. In the engineering section it states, Tuesday Nov 23 – 48/2004. Any ideas?
when in danger or in doubt, I always tend to 'opt out!'

Alfie and Richard have forgotten more than I will ever know.

I'm not very 'with-it' at the moment but I doubt very much your car actually has the latest COMAND updates??

Sorry to be so negative

With regard to my last post - if Alfie and Richard see this and have any ideas I will be gratefull, I will contact MB about the 'time warp' and ask why it is showing that date, but my impression is that they will not know, from one of the USA sites I got the impression that all the updates were not on all the disks and they all had to be entered, so they may well have used the latest to get the V8 working but it did not have all the upgrades/bug fixes. Any ideas on this?
With regard to my last post - if Alfie and Richard see this and have any ideas I will be gratefull, I will contact MB about the 'time warp' and ask why it is showing that date, but my impression is that they will not know, from one of the USA sites I got the impression that all the updates were not on all the disks and they all had to be entered, so they may well have used the latest to get the V8 working but it did not have all the upgrades/bug fixes. Any ideas on this?

glojo would know this from experience (I don't have Comand on the w211) but ETA should follow an update to the Comand unit while the navi processor update is sometimes needed to make the unit accept new maps (I thought this was included to one of the latest W211 maps, could well have been this V8, meaning you would still need the Comand update like glojo too assumed).
The ETA upgrade is not a service item and as such some, or most dealers will charge for this upgrade.

What I find baffling is the dealer claims the car has all the required upgrades, BUT the owner can still access the Engineers Menu? As far as I was aware and my comments are only in relation to the 211 type COMAND..... The latest service upgrades block access to this menu.

It is possible that someone has tampered with the COMAND and re-activated this option??

Hi Glojo, sorry to address you like this but I have read all your information about the command module, starting way back when. I am having a problem with mine, SLK 171, that MB deny is a problem saying they have updated it with the latest disk, it reads V 8 maps without a problem, but still allows access to the engineering menu, no ETA on screen nor does it show traffic jams on the correct side of the road, but it does play MP3 disks. In the engineering section it states, Tuesday Nov 23 – 48/2004. Any ideas?


The headunit update is separate from the navigation drive update.

To go from some early versions of the navigation S/W to newer versions (up to V7) the navigation processor update was most likely required just to have the drive read the disk. With version 8 the necessary update was included on the disk so simply pop it in and it accepts it with it running a small update first.

To gain ETA and correct the traffic on the wrong side of the road issue, you need the headunit update. This will remove the engineering menu aswell.

The 48/2004 shows the week that your headunit was manufactured. November 23rd was a Tuesday in 2004 and is remarkably close to week 48 of 2004. You have a very early comand head unit.

Hope this helps,

The headunit update is separate from the navigation drive update.

To go from some early versions of the navigation S/W to newer versions (up to V7) the navigation processor update was most likely required just to have the drive read the disk. With version 8 the necessary update was included on the disk so simply pop it in and it accepts it with it running a small update first.

To gain ETA and correct the traffic on the wrong side of the road issue, you need the headunit update. This will remove the engineering menu aswell.

The 48/2004 shows the week that your headunit was manufactured. November 23rd was a Tuesday in 2004 and is remarkably close to week 48 of 2004. You have a very early comand head unit.

Hope this helps,
Hi Alfie,
Glad to see you have posted your usual very helpful posts.

Can you please explain how the owner can still access the Engineer's Menu if they have had all the required service upgrades. I do accept the ETA Upgrade is an optional and chargeable improvement.

Hi Glojo, sorry to address you like this but I have read all your information about the command module, starting way back when. I am having a problem with mine, SLK 171, that MB deny is a problem saying they have updated it with the latest disk, it reads V 8 maps without a problem, but still allows access to the engineering menu, no ETA on screen nor does it show traffic jams on the correct side of the road, but it does play MP3 disks. In the engineering section it states, Tuesday Nov 23 – 48/2004. Any ideas?

Adam,i'm 90% sure thats just the head unit version.

They have not done the head unit update with the latest disk. Otherwise you would be able to turn on ETA by selecting the map, pressing the softkeys, look in display and one of the options allows you to select "none / position / eta" - if your menu there just shows the none and the position options, they havent done it.

V8 will have updated the NAV processor, but the head unit update is different. They probably just dont know about the MY2007 head unit update as you have to find it in WIS.

Where are you ? [edit, do you come from Bristol to the Ascot or Woking areas ?]


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