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Comand speed pulse


Active Member
Jul 15, 2003
I have known this for some time but now i want to get it sorted... When i connect the speed pulse up to my comand if i move the sound goes off???
Any ideas please
Are you sure you didn't connect it to the pin on the ISO connector that controls telephone mute instead ?! Can't think of anything else !


I connected the comand loom wire to the iso pin 1 which i believe is the speed pulse, the sound is on alright when stationary but when you pull away it goes off then stop and the sound comes back, if you keep moving it sounds like a pulse getting faster with speed??
I have left it off for the moment as im guessing its only for automatic volume adjust with vehicle speed.
Thought Pin 2 was the speedpulse . . . .

** EDIT ** - ignore me - its Pin 1.

Green / Purple wire - right ?

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speed pulse

I will try it on number 2 tomorrow, see if thats it...

Yes i think it is green/purple, looks like its staying disconected for a while still
Thanks anyway
do you mean you actually HEAR the pulse - as in dit dit dit dit ditditditditdiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D as you get faster?

mine does this - not command, its a blaupunkt - took it to bosch uk HQ head tech bod, who was completely confused by it.

no use - but weird...
guydewdney said:
do you mean you actually HEAR the pulse - as in dit dit dit dit ditditditditdiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D as you get faster?

mine does this - not command, its a blaupunkt - took it to bosch uk HQ head tech bod, who was completely confused by it.

no use - but weird...

In the C-Class I had that and it was the amplifier in the rear for the radio reception. It was feeding back the CANBUS signal for the accelerator into the radio when I went into a tunnel or under a bridge.
speed pulse

What did you do to fix it?
i fitted my command today. its definatly PIN 1 of ISO A..... mine was green/purple wire..... i dont seem to get any feedback from it. it works as it should. However when i purchased the car someone had cut the speed pulse wire... maybe this was the reason... anyhow i cant hear any pulses.....

to fix it maybe fit one of those "ground" wires you can buy from Halfords which connect your ground to the road..... supposed to fix radio interferance like this.... just an idea.
philsy2k said:
What did you do to fix it?

If you refer to my comment, the rear window was removed and the radio amp was replaced.

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