I recently received an e mail from an ausie friend who heard of an accident. The driver was ok, but his car did not fare so well. Anyways, the car was being driven on a wet road with cruise control, when suddenly the car leapt forward, threw itself off line and colided with a wall. The police duly arrived and when the driver explained the circumstances to the officer, the officer immediately asked if he was driving with cruise control on, to which he replied yes. That was the cause of the accident explained the officer. The car had apparantly started aquaplaining taking the load off the engine which made the wheels spin quicker. Thats the bit I don't quite understand, but I will accept it. When contact was made with the road again, the car was effectively catapulted forward, with the driver loosing control. Apparantly, one of the Japanese car makers have fitted a switch to the cruise control which deactivates it when the windscreen wipers are turned on. I drive with cruise control on in all conditions, apart from snow and ie of course, but is this possible to happen?