Hardcore MB Enthusiast
Nothing to do with emissions per seaThe point i was making was that a cdi engine will always start from cold without waiting for the glowplug light to extinguish, even if the glowplugs circuit was disabled the engine would still cold-start..
As for you saying that the glowplugs are nothing to do with emmisions...not is part of the article in the link below.....
..."Because of this, some engines require that these glow plugs continue to operate even when engine is already running to regulate emission.
Among the automakers who also include these glow plugs in the vehicles they make is Mercedes Benz. Being a German automaker who lives in a country where cold season comes and go, they made their Mercedes Benz Glow Plug to be precisely engineered to work in this season and to reduce emissions and attain a significant fuel economy"....
Just stop and please think what your saying.
On a really cold CDI engine if you do not wait for the glow plug light to go out the engine might not fire up straight away. If it does not start immediately, then fuel passes through the cylinder without igniting, thr engine then fires up and you get shed loads of smoke.
ANY diesel engine will start without the aid of a glow plug, it's just taht this great aid makes the starting so much easier. If you take the time to do a search on this forum you will find threads where owners have complained about there modern CDI engine taking up to 10 - 15 seconds to start first thing in the morning. There wasslight embarrassment when it was pointed out they should allow the glow plug warning light to go out, but the important point was this resolved the issue.
I respect your stance on this and it's all about choice.