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Does anyone feel like this

Will said:
"I've just bought a new car with Xenons/Bi-Xenons and i'll make sure that the entire world knows it" brigade. Especially when they are deliberately aimed as high as possible, and used in the daytime. Volvo's with sidelights, no problem. Motorbikes with dipped beam in daylight, again not a problem. But bl**dy sky-high aimed bi-xenons, invariably used in daylight, aimed at the rear view mirror of the car in front is just plain stupid! (and in my opinion, potentially dangerous)

Its law that any car fitted with Xenons must have auto levelling headlights, so no-one is aiming them sky high, they are set to the legal level automatically.
I don't have a problem with tailgaters, with my caravan on the back, sat in the middle lane on the M5, can't even see them :bannana: :D :D :D :D Summat else to get yer teef into :D
RichardM said:
Its law that any car fitted with Xenons must have auto levelling headlights, so no-one is aiming them sky high, they are set to the legal level automatically.

And they do it every time they're turned on!! I love to watch mine doing it :D
pammy said:
And they do it every time they're turned on!! I love to watch mine doing it :D
So if you wanted to aim them high you'd have to fire the car up, wait for the headlamps to self-aim then dump a huge weight in the boot. Sounds like a lot of work just to annoy a few people ;)

As I originally said, I have no problem with motorcycles riding with dipped beam lights in the daytime (along with white crash helmets and flourescent clothing). It is imperitive to be seen by other road users when riding a motorcycle, as other road users often "don't see" you, as I have previously found out (ironic you should mention a metro, as it was a Rover 100 (new metro) being driven by an 80 year old person that made an illegal turn through a red light and knocked me off!


Maybe it is due to the type of light that xenons give off??? They seem to "scatter" quite a lot. I think because of the colour of the light emitted (blueish?) that it refracts slightly differently. I appreciate they may be useful for visability at night/poor lighting conditions, but quite a lot of people I have seen use them just for the hell of it. I think it is pretty obvious that some people wish to "show off" their xenons, rather than using them because they need to.
I know that all cars that are fitted with xenons have to have a levelling system, and a washing system. These are fitted because they are so susceptable to blinding other drivers, and even a film of dirt on the lense could cause this. I am not sure about other drivers, but every few weeks/months I notice one car in particular with extremely badly aimed lights - maybe a fault with the levelling system, or interference from drivers playing with the calibration/adjustment at home :( ?!?
Maybe it is due to the type of light that xenons give off??? They seem to "scatter" quite a lot. I think because of the colour of the light emitted (blueish?) that it refracts slightly differently. I appreciate they may be useful for visability at night/poor lighting conditions, but quite a lot of people I have seen use them just for the hell of it. I think it is pretty obvious that some people wish to "show off" their xenons, rather than using them because they need to.
I know that all cars that are fitted with xenons have to have a levelling system, and a washing system. These are fitted because they are so susceptable to blinding other drivers, and even a film of dirt on the lense could cause this. I am not sure about other drivers, but every few weeks/months I notice one car in particular with extremely badly aimed lights - maybe a fault with the levelling system, or interference from drivers playing with the calibration/adjustment at home :( ?!?[/QUOTE]

I have taken more than my fair share of abuse with my Bi-Xenons from other drivers (and they are correctly aligned). This is during early evening when the auto lights kick in and night time as well.

My auto lights do kick in quick early, so it probably does appear I'm driving with them on in day light, but its not my fault honest!

I've never been flashed in my car whilst having the Xenons on, but in the two days I had a loan C200 (with Xenons) I got flashed a couple of times. They must have been higher than mine.
I agree with you Richard, auto lights decide for you whether they think it is dark enough/adverse enough conditions to switch themselves on. They can be irritating (the company car has them and I find them inappropriate when passing under bridges etc that they switch on, can look like you are signalling somebody!).

As you experienced in the loan car, I do not believe the auto-levelling system to be infallible. It certainly works fine for most people, but there must be some out there which aren't quite right. I still maintain that there are quite a few people who drive around with their "xenons!" on all day just to show them off, ie, xenons being abused in a similar way as foglights are. Fair enough if people wish to drive around with their convertible top off in the winter, or play with their folding mirrors when they park up in a conspicuous place etc, that is their perogative, but anything that distracts and compromises other road users safety, in my opinion, is wrong.

Just my opinion,

My car does have an option to have the lights on all the time (they come on automatically when you start the car) and I know some people use this as they feel safer (Fuzzer!) not to show off. Personally I love the auto headlights and would really miss them (guess I'm just lazy!), but it is very handy when you drive into underground car parks etc.
RichardM said:
My car does have an option to have the lights on all the time (they come on automatically when you start the car) and I know some people use this as they feel safer (Fuzzer!) not to show off. Personally I love the auto headlights and would really miss them (guess I'm just lazy!), but it is very handy when you drive into underground car parks etc.

Ive got both the W203 and the W211 coming on automatically now. Its great and people can really see you as i keep getting flashed by people letting me know my lights are on .. so people do notice. The fact that will mention being distracted means you are seeing the car. There is nothing in the highway code that says you can't drive about with dipped headlights on during daylight hours , otherwise 1000's of volvo and sabb drivers with similar daylight running lamps would be a tad upset.

Anything to keep yourself visable :bannana: :bannana:
fuzzer said:
Ive got both the W203 and the W211 coming on automatically now. Its great and people can really see you as i keep getting flashed by people letting me know my lights are on .. so people do notice. The fact that will mention being distracted means you are seeing the car. There is nothing in the highway code that says you can't drive about with dipped headlights on during daylight hours , otherwise 1000's of volvo and sabb drivers with similar daylight running lamps would be a tad upset.

Anything to keep yourself visable :bannana: :bannana:

OK... at least no one makes any hand gestreures at you during the day for having your lights on ;) - I get hand egsteures etc. when the auto lights kick in during early eve.
jimmy said:
I am speechless!!

Reading this had made me think twice about ever driving on our roads again, some scary comments here!!

I like Jimmy am appalled at some of the attitudes in this thread. I have been trying to resist the urge to explain in this thread that my Gran was run over and killed by a motorist and also that my mother and father in law are all seriously bashed up at the moment having had the people carrier they were traveling in turned over by the third 360 degree spin of someone showing how Big and brave they are.

The resulting accident needed our family and friends airlifted to 2 different hospitals and all six are blessed to still be alive. If I start ............going through their injurys, like broken sternum (making breathing agony), Being choaked whilst hanging upside down in a smoke filled car, burnt by all the airbags going off. Oh the driver of the accident is quite chuffed as well because his 8 year old daughter was another innocent victim of his macho attitudes, never mind when he sees the cuts all over her face and body he'll remember how clever he is.

I am not a saint I do enjoy cars greatly, but please remember as Andy k said you are driving a weapon.
R2D2 said:
I like Jimmy am appalled at some of the attitudes in this thread. I have been trying to resist the urge to explain in this thread that my Gran was run over and killed by a motorist and also that my mother and father in law are all seriously bashed up at the moment having had the people carrier they were traveling in turned over by the third 360 degree spin of someone showing how Big and brave they are.

The resulting accident needed our family and friends airlifted to 2 different hospitals and all six are blessed to still be alive. If I start ............going through their injurys, like broken sternum (making breathing agony), Being choaked whilst hanging upside down in a smoke filled car, burnt by all the airbags going off. Oh the driver of the accident is quite chuffed as well because his 8 year old daughter was another innocent victim of his macho attitudes, never mind when he sees the cuts all over her face and body he'll remember how clever he is.

I am not a saint I do enjoy cars greatly, but please remember as Andy k said you are driving a weapon.

car crashed into metal rail in the street no seat belts, luckly I was ok but passanger fainted and had cut head and the girl in the back came off worse.Sorry to hear it, I know how terrible these things are I was in a serious accident myself as a youngster, 3 of us in the

Also talking of high death rate in france, my wife is french her father was killed in a car crash when she was ten, her friend boyfriend was killed in a motor bike accident and there is a good 4 or so more people she knew very well that died on the roads. Her brother had 2 accidents 1 being crashing into a forest at 160kph in a citoen DS. But untill the new laws there came in he never slowed down even loosing his Dad and nearly being killed with his father-in-law in the car, who now has to have operations for life on his back.

So dont think I dont care and dont know about the efffects of accidents!
There something about cars. But there we go everyone blames anyone who speeds, they dont blame the stupid pon*e that pulles into the middle lane of motorway infront of people causing them to pull in to the fast lane nearly causing a muli car crash. Or some scum bag that goea smoking weed then goes stoned out his head driving around where his reactions are so bad he couldn't even react if someone pulled out. But no because too hard to blame that sort because you cant see that there off their face, so it must be that evil hard worker thats bought a decent car driving in the fast lane who has had a good nights sleep and not been drinking the night before. Like always in this country too bl**dy week to sus out the real guilty so why not find a scap goat. VERY VERY EASY
Richard W said:
... I'm an arrogant git all the time, ask Kinky, he's met me!

And some ....

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