Hardcore MB Enthusiast
Boy oh boy have you made some interesting statements
First off your leaking air-bag and yes, that is where my money would go. BUT...... It speaks volumes about your Indie that they could not find this leak, whatever it is and wherever it is. I hope they never charged you for their failure to locate it... Also allowing this leak for any length of time allegedly burns out the compressor so it has to be fixed.
Respect for your thoughts and figures regarding the power of the latest 2 litre engine in the E-class. My wife is the sole driver of our 320Cdi and we recently had a demo E220 Cdi for a week and in the words of my wife, "I hate it!"
Once we turn out of our driveway we have a bit of an incline and boy did that brand new 220 show its lack of power to accelerate up this gentle hill. In comparison, our 320 just takes it in its stride. Now I think it fair to say my wife is not renowned for her 'high' speed wheel spinning driving style. Rumour has it she once overtook a person riding their bicycle but that is just a rumour, but there is NO WAY she will have the 220Cdi. It could be your 200 has more power than the car we had. I don't know but I am hoping the electric motor on the 300e gives my wife driving style the 'get up and go'
I have told her it has.
V6 or straight-six.
Every bit of research I have done has stated the straight-six is the smoother quieter engine. Has BMW ever wavered away from their silky smooth straight-six? If the E-class V6 was the better engine, why get rid of it? I confess I have never really worried about the economy figures, but we are more than happy with both the power and the economy of the 320Cdi.
I will still say to the author of this thread, the straight six, or V6 are to me the perfect match for this vehicle (I am NOT knocking the V6) and there will always be more than enough power to get you into or out of a sticky situation
Boy oh boy have you made some interesting statements
First off your leaking air-bag and yes, that is where my money would go. BUT...... It speaks volumes about your Indie that they could not find this leak, whatever it is and wherever it is. I hope they never charged you for their failure to locate it... Also allowing this leak for any length of time allegedly burns out the compressor so it has to be fixed.
Respect for your thoughts and figures regarding the power of the latest 2 litre engine in the E-class. My wife is the sole driver of our 320Cdi and we recently had a demo E220 Cdi for a week and in the words of my wife, "I hate it!"
Once we turn out of our driveway we have a bit of an incline and boy did that brand new 220 show its lack of power to accelerate up this gentle hill. In comparison, our 320 just takes it in its stride. Now I think it fair to say my wife is not renowned for her 'high' speed wheel spinning driving style. Rumour has it she once overtook a person riding their bicycle but that is just a rumour, but there is NO WAY she will have the 220Cdi. It could be your 200 has more power than the car we had. I don't know but I am hoping the electric motor on the 300e gives my wife driving style the 'get up and go'

V6 or straight-six.
Every bit of research I have done has stated the straight-six is the smoother quieter engine. Has BMW ever wavered away from their silky smooth straight-six? If the E-class V6 was the better engine, why get rid of it? I confess I have never really worried about the economy figures, but we are more than happy with both the power and the economy of the 320Cdi.
I will still say to the author of this thread, the straight six, or V6 are to me the perfect match for this vehicle (I am NOT knocking the V6) and there will always be more than enough power to get you into or out of a sticky situation